Eminem - The Way I Am
Dre just let it run, aye yo, turn the beat up a lil' bit
Aye yo this song if for anyone, fuck it
Shut up and listen aye yo
I sit back with the pack of zig zags and this bag
Of this weed it gives me the shit needed to be
The most meanest MC on this earth
And since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse
And just blirk, it's bazerk and bizare shit that works
And it sells and it helps in itself to relieve all this tension
Dispensin' me sentence is gettin' the stress that's been eatin' me
Recently off of this chest and I rest again peacefully
But at least have the decency in you to leave me alone
When you freaks see me out in the streets
When I'm eatin' or feedin' my daughter to not come and speak to me
I don't know you and no I don't owe you a mutha' fuckin' thing
I'm not Mr. N SYNC I'm not what your friends think
I'm not Mr. Friendly I can be a prick if you tempt me
My tank is on empty, no patients is in me and if you offend me
I'm lifting you ten feet in the air
I don't care who was there and who saw me destroy you
I'll call you a lawyer file you a law suite
I'll smile in the court room and buy you a wardsrobe I'm tired of arguin'
I don't mean to be mean but that's all I can be it's just me
And I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
Radio won't even play my jam
'Cause I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
I don't know that's just the way I am
Sometimes I just feel like my father I hate to be bothered
With all of this nonsense, it's constant
And oh it's his lyrical content the song 'Guilty Conscience'
Has gotten such rotten responses
And all of this controversy circles me and it
Seems the the media immediately
Points a finger at me so I point one back at 'em
But not the index or pinky
Or the ring or the thumb, it's the one you put up
When you don't give a fuck when you won't just put up
Wit the bullshit they pull 'cause they full of shit too
When a dudes gettin bullied and shoos up the school
Eminem - The Way I Am - http://ru.motolyrics.com/eminem/the-way-i-am-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
And they blame it on Marylin and the heroine
Where were the parents at? And look where its at?
Middle America now it's a tragedy
Now it's so sad to see, an upper class city
Havin' this happenin' then attack Eminem
'Cause I rap this way? But I'm glad 'cause they feed me the fuel
That I need for the fire to burn
And it's burnin, and I have returned
And I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
Radio won't even play my jam
'Cause I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
I don't know that's just the way I am
I'm so sick and tired of bein' admired
That I wished that I would just die or get fired
And drop from my label and stop wit the fables
I'm not gonna be able to top a 'My Name is'
And pigeon hold in to some poppy sensation
That caught me rotating in rock 'n' roll stations
And I just do not got the patience to deal
With these cocky Cau Casions
Who think I'm some wigger who tries to be black
'Cause I talk wit an accent and grab on my ball
So they always keep askin' the same fuckin' questions
'What school did I go to, what hood I grew up in'
The why, the who, what and the where and the how
Till I'm grabbin' my hair and I'm tearing it out
'Cause they drivin' me crazy
I can't take it, I'm racin', I'm pacing, I stand then I sit
And I'm thankful for every fan that I get
But I can't take a shit in the bathroom
Without someone standing by it
You know I won't sign your autograph
You can call me and asshole, I'm glad
'Cause I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
Radio won't even play my jam
'Cause I am whatever you say I am
If I wasn't then why would I say I am?
In the paper, the news, everyday I am
I don't know that's just the way I am
Eminem - Način na koji jesam (Боснийский перевод)
(Steve Bermann) (njegov tekst se pojavljuje samo u spotu)
Bolje bi bilo da mi ništa nisi ni dao,
Ovaj album je gori nego išta
Ne mogu prodati ovu j***nu ploču
Repaš o homoseksualcima i Vicodinu
Ne mogu prodati ovo s****!
Ili promijeni pjesmu ili ne izlazi u prodaju!
Šta god...
Dre, samo pusti,
Ej jo, pojačaj malo ritam
Ej jo, ova pjesma je za bilo koga...pusti to
začepi i slušaj, ej jo...
Sjedim nazad sa ovim pakovanjem zig zagsa i ovom torbom ove trave, daje mi stvar potrebnu da budem
najzlobniji MC na ovoj - ovoj planeti
I od rođenja sam proklet ovo kletvom da samo psujem,
I samo promljrmam
ovo ludo i bizarno s**** koje djeluje,
i prodaje se, i pomaže samo sebi da otpustim
ovu tenziju koja dijeli ove rečenice,
dostiže ovaj stres koji me nedavno izjedao
I odmorim se opet na miru (na miru)...
Ali bar imate pristojnosti u sebi
Da me ostavite na miru kad me vi nakaze vidite
na ulicama dok jedem ili hranim kćerku,
da ne dođete i obratite mi se (obratite)...
ne poznajem vas, i ne,
Ne dugujem vam ništa
Ja nisam g. N'Sync, nisam ono što vaši drugovi misle,
Nisam g. Društveni, mogu biti zeznut
ako me iskušate, moj tenk je prazan,
nemam strpljenja u sebi, i ako me napadnete,
dižem vas 10 metara u zrak
Briga me ko je bio tu i vidio kako vas uništavam.
Zovite advokata, pokrenite tužbu
smijaću se u sudnici i kupiti vam ormar
Dosta mi je rasprave (rasprave),
Ne želim biti zloban,
ali to je jedino što mogu biti, to sam samo ja
I ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
radio neće ni puštati moje pjesme
Jer ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
Ne znam, to je samo način na koji jesam
Ponekad se jednostavno osjećam kao moj otac,
mrzim biti smaran
Sa svim ovim besmislicama, to je konstantno
I "O, sadržaj njegovih tekstova, pjesma 'Guilty Conscience'
Je zadobila tako oštre odgovore"
I sva ova kontroverzija koja me okružuje
I kao da mediji neposredno
Uperuju prstom na meneEminem - The Way I Am - http://ru.motolyrics.com/eminem/the-way-i-am-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
Pa i ja na njih uperujem, ali ne kažiprstom ili malim prstom,
Ili prstenjakom ili palcem, već onim koji podignete
Kad vas nije briga, i nećete trpiti
Te gluposti koje izjavljuju, jer su puni g***** takođe
Kad pretuku momka i izazovu pucnjavu u školi,
I krive Marylina, i heroin
A gdje su roditelji bili? I gle gdje je to
Usred Amerike, sad je to tragedija,
sad je to tako tužno vidjeti
u gradu visoke klase,
da se to dešava u njemu,
I onda napadnite Eminema jer repam ovako
Ali drago mi je, jer me potpaljuju gorivom koje mi je potrebno za vatru,
da gorim, i to gori, i ja sam se vratio
I ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
radio neće ni puštati moje pjesme
Jer ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
Ne znam, to je samo način na koji jesam
Dosta mi je i umoran sam od divljenja
da sam poželio da umrem ili dobijem otkaz
Ili odem iz svoje produkcije, prestanimo sa basnama,
Neću uspjeti topirati 'My name is'...
I divljenje nekoj pop-senzaciji
koje me je uhvatilo da se vrtim po radio-stanicama
I nemam strpljenja
da se nosim sa ovim ufuranim bijelcima
koji misle da sam neki bijelac koji se pravi da je crn,
i pokušava biti crnac,
jer pričam sa akcentom i hvatam se za j***,
pa nastavljaju postavljati ista prokleta pitanja
U koju sam školu išao, u kojem sam naselju odrastao,
Zašto, ko, šta, kad, gdje i kako
Sve dok se ne čupam za kosu i izbacujem bijes,
Jer me izluđuju,
ne mogu to podnijeti,
Trkam se, hodam vamo-tamo, stojim i sjedim,
I zahvalan sam na svakom fanu kojeg imam
Ali ne mogu otići u WC,
A da mi neko ne smeta
Ne, neću vam potpisati autogram,
možete me pogrdno zvati, drago mi je
I ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
radio neće ni puštati moje pjesme
Jer ja sam šta god kažete da sam
Ako nisam, zašto bih to onda rekao?
U štampi, u novinama sam svaki dan
Ne znam, to je samo način na koji jesam