Eminem - Beautiful
Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has their private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me?
Are you trying to get through?
Are you reaching out for me?
I'm reaching out for you
I'm just so fucking depressed
I just can't seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump
But I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises, took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
And in order for me to pick the mic back up
I don't know how or why or when
I ended up this position I'm in
I'm starting to feel dissin' again
So I decided just to pick this pen
Up and try to make an attempt to vent
But I just can't admit
Or come to grips with the fact that I may be done with rap
I need a new outlet
And I know some shit's so hard to swallow
But I can't just sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow but I know one fact
I'll be one tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
I'll be one tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
But you'd have to walk a thousand miles
In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be like
To feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each others' minds
Just to see what we'd find
Look at shit through each others' eyes
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor
Everything's so tense and gloom
I almost feel like I gotta check
The temperature of the room
Just as soon as I walk in, it's like all eyes on me
And so I try to avoid any eye contact
'Cause if I do that then it opens the door
For conversation, like I want that
I'm not looking for extra attention
I just wanna be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room
Maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need no fucking man servant
Trying to follow me around and wipe my ass
Laugh at every single joke I crack
And half of 'em ain't even funny like
Ha! Marshall you're so funny man
You should be a comedian, god damn!"
Unfortunately I am
I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down
Listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell, we don't gotta trade our shoes
And you ain't gotta walk no thousand miles
In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be likeEminem - Beautiful - http://ru.motolyrics.com/eminem/beautiful-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
To feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each others minds
Just to see what we'd find
Look at shit through each others eyes
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
Nobody asked for life to deal us
With these bullshit hands we're dealt
We gotta take these cards ourselves
And flip 'em, don't expect no help
Now I could've either just sat on my ass
And pissed and moaned
Or take this situation in which I'm placed in
And get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid
To wait by the door and pack his bags
I sat on the porch and hoped and prayed
For a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in
Every single place, every school I went
I dreamed of being that cool kid
Even if it meant acting stupid
And Edna always told me
Keep making that face and it'll get stuck like that
Meanwhile I'm just standing there
Holding my tongue tryna talk like that
'Til I stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole
At 8 years old
I learned my lesson then
'Cause I wasn't trying to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story
Not just based on my description
'Cause where you see it, from where you're sittin
It's probably 110% different
I guess we would have to walk a mile
In each others shoes at least
What size you wear? I wear 10's
Let's see if you can fit your feet
In my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be like
To feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each others minds
Just to see what we'd find
Look at shit through each others eyes
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked just stay true to you
So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked just stay true to you
So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
They can all get fucked just stay true to you
Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has their private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me?
Are you trying to get through?
Are you reaching out for me?
I'm reaching out for you
Yeah, to my babies
Stay strong, daddy will be home soon
And to the rest of the world
God gave you shoes to fit you
So put 'em on and wear 'em
Be yourself man, be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny
Don't ever let anyone tell you you ain't beautiful
Eminem - Frumos (Румынский перевод)
In ultima vreme am fost greu de ajuns
Am fost prea mult timp singur
Fiecare are o lume a lui
Unde poate fi singur
Oare incerci sa ma suni , sa te strecori
Incerci sa ajungi la mine , iar eu la tine
In p..a mea sunt atat de deprimat
Pare ca nu mai ies din impasul asta
Doar daca as putea sa trec si peste pasul asta
Dar am nevoie ca cineva sa ma traga afara din impasul asta
Mi'am luat loviturile
am cazut si m'am ridicat imediat
Dar am nevoie de acea scanteie care sa ma ridice
nu stiu cum ma voi ... departe
Si cum am ajuns in aceasta pozitie
Incep sa ma simt distant din nou
Asa ca am decis sa inving aceasta durere
Si am incercat sa ...
Dar nu pot sa accept faptul ca
As putea termina cu rap'ul
Am nevoie de ceva nou
CUnosc niste cacaturi greu de inghitit
Si nu pot sta in spate sa ma plang
In propria'mi amaraciune
Dar stiu un lucru
Voi fii ceva greu de urmat
Greu de urmat
Acum aici , maine plecat
Dar ai de mers o mie de mile
Refren :
Intra'n pielea mea , ca sa vezi
Cum e sa fii eu
Iar eu voi fii tu , hai sa facem schimb
Ca sa vedem cum ar fii
Sa'mi simti durerea , iar eu pe a ta
Sa intram unul in mintea altuia
DOar ca sa vedem ce gasim
Sa cautam probleme unul in ochii altuia
Dar nu'i lasa sa'ti spuna ca nu esti frumoasa
Se pot duce toti la naiba . Doar sa'ti ramai fidela tie insuti
Dar nu'i lasa sa'ti spuna ca nu esti frumoasa
Se pot duce toti la naibasa'ti ramai fidela tie insuti
Cred ca incep sa'mi pierd simtul umorului
Totul e atat de intens si neclar
Simt ca trebuie sa verific temperatura din camera
Chuar atunci cand intru
Deodata toate privirile sunt catre mine
Asa ca incerc sa evit contactul vizual
Caci daca nu fac asta .. vor incepe conversatiile
De parca as vrea asta
Nu caut atentie
Vreau sa fiu ca tineEminem - Beautiful - http://ru.motolyrics.com/eminem/beautiful-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Sa ma amestec printre cei din camera
Mai bine indruma'ma catre cea mai apropiata baie
In plm n'am nevoie de nimeni sa ma serveasca
Incercand sa ma urmareasca si sa ma stearga la c*r
Sa rada la fiecare gluma pe care o fac
Iar jumatate din ele nici nu sunt amuzante
Ahh Marshall , Esti atat de haios omule , ar trebui sa fii comediant
Din pacate sunt , Dar doar ma ascund in spatele lacrimilor unui clovn
Asa ca , de ce nu va asezati jos
Si ascultati povestea pe care am sa va o spun
Nu trebuie sa schimbam locurile
Iar tu nu trebuie sa mergi mii de mile
Numeni a cerut ca viata sa se ocupe de noi
Cu aceste maini pline de indoieli
Trebuie sa luam aceste carti noi insine
Si sa le intoarcem , nu astepta ajutor
Acum as putea avea
Stand , trist si suparat
Dar iau aceasta situatie ca atare
Si ma ridic singur
Nu am fost niciodata tipul de copil
Care sa astepte , dar stiu cum sa'i desfac bagajele
Nu am stat niciodata sa sper si sa ma rog
Ptr un tata care nu a aparut niciodata
Doar am vrut sa ma integrez
In fiecare loc
La fiecare scoala la care am fost
Am visat sa fiu acel copil misto
Chiar daca asta insemna sa ma port stupid
Matusa Edna mi'a spus intotdeuna
Mai stramba'te tu mult , ca o sa ramai asa
Intre timp eu doar stateam acolo
Tinandu'mi limba'n sus si incercand sa vb asa
Pana mi'am lipit limba pe semnul de stop inghetzat la 8 ani
Mi'am invatat lectia si ptr ca nu am mai incercat sa'mi impresionez prietenii
Dar deja v'am spus toata povestea mea
Care nu a fost bazata doar pe descrierea mea
Caci felul in care o vezi tu
E probabil 110 % diferit
Cred ca ar trebui sa ne plimbam o mila
In pielea fiecaruia , cel putin ..
Ce marime ai ?
Eu am 10.
Hai sa vedem daca ne incapem in piele.
Da.. ptr copii mei ..Fiti puternici . Tati va fii aici in curand
Si ptr restul lumii .. Dumnezeu v'a dat fiecaruia vietile
Care vi se potrivescc .. asa ca traiti'le
Si .. fi tu insuti .. fii mandru de ceea ce esti
Chiar daca suna pompos
Sa nu lasi pe nimeni sa'ti spuna , ca nu estï frumos .