Düş Sokağı Sakinleri - Ölümler Çıplak Gelir
Ölümler çıplak gelir
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Feryat eder ateş sözlerime Yayılır nefesin çiçeklere
Ay ışıldar soğuk bedeninde
Günah bana hiç el değil
Feryat eder dilim hüzünlere Vedalar doğru değil
Sevgiler yalan değil
Koşarım ben sensizliğe
Bu son bakışta gitmek
Hiç mümkün değil Görünür bana senden kalanDüş Sokağı Sakinleri - Ölümler Çıplak Gelir - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dus-sokagi-sakinleri/olumler-ciplak-gelir-lyrics-english-translation.html
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Düş Sokağı Sakinleri - Deaths Come Naked (Английский перевод)
Deaths com naked
Puts the night into your eyes slowly
It is not easy to give up on me
Fire cries for my words
Your breath spreads to flowers
Moon shines in your cold body
Sin is not a stranger for me
My tongue cries for blues
Good-bys are not right
Loves are not lies
I run into being without you
It is not possible
To go in this last look
What is left from you is visible to meDüş Sokağı Sakinleri - Ölümler Çıplak Gelir - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dus-sokagi-sakinleri/olumler-ciplak-gelir-lyrics-english-translation.html
I know that there is someone who hears my song
It is meaningless to beg what is written
Time passes when love is loved
Deaths come naked
Puts the night into your eyes slowly
It is not easy to get out of you
Life is worse for sufferers
Good-bys are not right
Loves are not lies
I run into being without myself
I cry, rain thinks of you
Door is open... Come in