Denisa - Nu pot sa te iubesc
Mi-ai rupt inima de tot
De vreau sa te iert nu pot
Cand trecutul ti-am aflat,
Ca mereu m-ai inselat
Ca mereu m-ai inselat
Mi-ai rupt inima de tot
De vreau sa te iert nu pot
Cand trecutul ti-am aflat,
Ca mereu m-ai inselat
Ca mereu m-ai inselat ref...Nu pot sa te iubesc
Chiar dak inima te vrea
Nu pot sa te mai iert
Ca m-ai tarziu voi regreta Mi-ai rupt inima de tot
De vreau sa te iert nu pot
Cand trecutul ti-am aflat,
Ca mereu m-ai inselatDenisa - Nu pot sa te iubesc -
Ca mereu m-ai inselat
Mi-ai rupt inima de tot
De vreau sa te iert nu pot
Cand trecutul ti-am aflat,
Ca mereu m-ai inselat
Ca mereu m-ai inselat Cum poti sa ma mai privesti
M-ai tot mintit k ma iubesti
Cate rele mi-ai facut
Te urasc atat de mult
Te iubesc atat de mult
Cum poti sa ma mai privesti
M-ai tot mintit k ma iubesti
Cate rele mi-ai facut
Te urasc atat de mult
Te iubesc atat de mult
Denisa - Nu pot sa te iubesc (Английский перевод)
You totally broked my heart
If I want to forgive you I can't
When I found out your past
That you always cheated on me
That you always cheated on me
You totally broked my heart
If I want to forgive you I can't
When I found out your past
That you always cheated on me
That you always cheated on me
I can't love you
Even if my heart wants you
I can't forgive you anymore
Cause I might regret that afterwards
You totally broked my heart
If I want to forgive you I can't
When I found out your past
That you always cheated on meDenisa - Nu pot sa te iubesc -
That you always cheated on me
You totally broked my heart
If I want to forgive you I can't
When I found out your past
That you always cheated on me
That you always cheated on me
How can you be able to look at me
You kept lying to me that you love me
How much nad things you did to me
I hate you so much
I love you so much
How can you be able to look at me
You kept lying to me that you love me
How much nad things you did to me
I hate you so much
I love you so much