Denisa - Doua amintiri
Doua amintiri cu tine,
Mi-au ramas in minte bine
C-ai plecat cu tot cu viata mea,
Si mi-ai rupt in doua inima. Degeaba incerc sa ma gandesc,
La tot ce-a fost intre noi doi.
Doar doua lucruri si in rest…
Imi amintesc nimic cu noi.. Doua amintiri cu tine,Denisa - Doua amintiri -
Mi-au ramas in minte bine
C-ai plecat cu tot cu viata mea,
Si mi-ai rupt in doua inima. De amintiri eu am scapat,
De mult nu ma mai chinuiesc.
De mult de tine am uitat,
c*m poti sa crezi ca te iubesc.
Denisa - Two memories (Английский перевод)
Two memories about you
Are imprinted on my mind:
You've left and you've taken my life with you
And you've torn my heart apart.
I'm trying vainly to think
About all that's been between us
Only two things, and nothing more,
Is what I still remember about us
Two memories about youDenisa - Doua amintiri -
Are imprinted on my mind:
You've walked out of my life
And you've torn my heart apart.
I've got rid of memories now
It's been long since they've stopped tormenting me
I've forgotten you for so long
How can you believe that I still love you?