Decije Pesme - Pjesma djaka prvaka
Zbogom, bako, mili rode,
U skolu me jutros vode,
Tamo ce me vazdan tuci,
Ziv ti necu doci kuci.
Zbogom jagnje sviloruno,
Coban ti je poginuo. Zbogom, kravo, mlijecna spravo,
Odnio je salu djavo,
Pozdravi mi drago tele,Decije Pesme - Pjesma djaka prvaka -
Poginucu danas, vele,
Poslednje ti saljem zbogom,
Osveti me tvrdim rogom. Zbogom, konju ritajuci,
Nastradacu citajuci,
Unaprijed mi dusa zebe,
Vise jahat necu tebe,
Daj pomozi stradalniku,
Bjezacemo cak u liku.
Decije Pesme - First grader's poem (Английский перевод)
Farewell, grandma, dear relative,
To school they take me this morning
There they will surely beat me
I won't come home to you alive
Farewell, silver fleeced lamb
Your shepherd has perished
Farewell, cow, milking machine
The devil took the joke,
Send regards to my dear calf,Decije Pesme - Pjesma djaka prvaka -
I will perish today, they say
My last goodbyes I send to you
Avenge me with your mighty horn
Goodbye kicking horse
I will die reading,
In advance my soul is chilled
I won't ride you anymore
Come on, help a victim
We'll run away even to Lika.