Bug Mafia
Bug Mafia

Poveste fara sfarsit перевод на Английский

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Bug Mafia - Poveste fara sfarsit

Refren: Catalina
De multe ori ma-ntreb, oare cat o sa mai tina,
Oare cati or sa plece si-or sa vina?
Poate e un drum gresit,
E-o poveste fara sfarsit. Uzzi:
Sant Uzzi, de data asta tin expres,
Am spus pe 4 albume dar cred ca nimeni n-a-nteles.
Stiu ca multi cunosc ce inseamna viata de cartier,
Dar nu stiu cati recunosc ca sant cu totul altfel.
Pentru voi toti, baieti de cartier,
Respect ca ati plecat de jos nu va-ti imbogatit direct,
Ati trecut prin tot, palme, vorbe si durere
Singuri ati trait si singuri ati facut avere.
Stiu si eu prea bine cum e sa cresti in cartier,
Bagaboante, pesti, bani, masini si golani.
Mereu sa se ridice cate unu' mai in fata,
Bafta tie, smechere, o sa te respect pe viata.
Zi de zi alt smecher o sa faca loc la altu',
Plecand de jos, e mai usor sa faci saltul.
Daca intelegi ce vreau sa spun.
G-yeah, pe ciordeala, pe mangleala, asta-i modul rau sau bun.
Multi o sa judece gresit si multi o sa respecte,
Cei nascuti, crescuti aici cunosc prea multe aspecte.
Ocolesc s-o spun pe fata, suna a jelit,
Pentru cei din cartier e o poveste fara sfarsit. Refren: Tataee:
Zi si noapte-n cartier, noapte si zi in cartier,
Totu' s-a schimbat si totu' e la fel.
Pentru baietii de pe strada, dedic,
La toti ceilalti despre cartier va explic.Bug Mafia - Poveste fara sfarsit - http://ru.motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/poveste-fara-sfarsit-lyrics-english-translation.html
Ma doare inima cand ma uit la borfasii mei,
Cand vad ca pe zi ce trece devin tot mai rai.
Si-mi amintesc cum radeam acum o vreme,
Acum nu-i mai vad razand, doar cand au seringa-n vene.
Smenari de la colt sunt tot la fel,
Masina insa din Audi 80 acum e 600,
Semn ca banii lor fac pamantul, frate, sa se-nvarta
Si daca nu ma crezi vin-o-n cartier sa vezi.
Poate intr-o zi o mama plange ca baiatul ei s-a dus,
Tot atunci una ce naste rade c-are unu-n plus.
Yeah, in cartier viata nu s-a oprit,
As putea sa povestesc la nesfarsit. Refren: Caddy:
In cartier e la fel ca la inchisoare,
Daca nu poti sa iesi afara trebuie sa fi tare,
Caci ban la ban si paduche la paduche trage,
Cei de sus nu te asculta nici nu-ti dau pace.
Firar' mama lor, al dracu' sa fie,
Caci nu-ti aduc nici macar o bucurie.
Baietii se tarasc prin cartier din ce mai rau,
Unii ajung la viermi, iar altii la bulau.
Altii se ridica si fac banu gros,
Viata e nedreapta daca ramai jos
Asa-i in cartier nu trebuie sa te dai la fund,
Lupti cu pumnii tragi cu dintii ca sa ai mai mult.
Nici un senator n-a coborat vreodata in cartier,
Nici un deputat nu a stiut ce inseamna lefter,
Iar eu sunt de acolo de unde tu nici nu gandesti,
Unde soarele rasare doar daca-l platestï.

Английский перевод

Bug Mafia - Endless story (Английский перевод)

Refren: Catalina
So many times I wonder, how long will it be
How many will come and go?
Maybe it's a wrong way
It's an endless story.

I'm Uzzy, I want this to be clear
I've already said it on 4 albums, but I guess no one understood
I know a lot of you know what neighborhood life means
But I don't know how many of you admit that they are different
For all of you, neighborhood boys,
All the respect for starting from down and didn't got rich directly(immediately)
You've experienced all, kicks, words and pain
You've lived alone and alone you've enriched(made your fortune)
I know very well how's to grow in the neighborhood
B*tches, "fishes", money, cars and hooligans (knaves)
There will always be someone who'll rise in front of you
Good luck to you, you cunning fellow, I'll respect you for life
Daily another one will make room for other fellow
Starting from down, it's easier to make the jump
If you know what I mean.
G-yeah, pinching, stealing, fooling, this is the good way or the bad way
A lot will misjudge and a lot will respect
The ones borned here know too many aspects.
I refuse to say it francly, sounds like mournng
For those from neighborhood it's an endless story.


Day and night, night and day in the neighborhood
Everything has changed and yet is still the same
I dedicate this to all the boys from the streets
For everyone else about the neighborhood I'll explainBug Mafia - Poveste fara sfarsit - http://ru.motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/poveste-fara-sfarsit-lyrics-english-translation.html
My heart hurts when I look at my thiefs
When I see that with every day that passes they become worse and worse
And I remember how they used to laugh once (a time ago)
Now i see them laughing only when they have the seringe in their veins
The cunning fellows from the corner are still the same
But the Audi 80 car is now 600,
Sign that their money make the earth spins around
And if you don't believe me, come in the neighborhood and see for yourself
Maybe one day a mother mourns that her son is gone
While another one who has just given birth, laughs that she has another one
Yeah, in the neighborhood life didn't stop
I could tell forever about it.


In the neighborhood is like in prison
If you can't get out, you have to be strong,
Because money for money and lice for a lice (this doesn't sound very good, maybe someone else will have another opinion)
The big ones don't listen to you, nor leave you alone (give you peace)
Mother f*cker, f*ck
They bring you no joy
Boys live their lives even worse in the neighborhood
Some become worm's food, others end up in jail
Some of them rise and make big money
Life is unfair if you stay down
That's how it is in the neighborhood, you don't have to give up
Fight with fists, pull with your teeth to have more.
No senator has ever came in the neighborhood
No deputy has ever known how is like to be broke
And you can't even imagine the place where I'm from
The place where the sun rises only if you pay it.

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