Bug Mafia - Cand Te Lovesti De Realitate
Prezint realitatea exact asa cum este ea,
Ma limitez la cartier, sunt numai pe felia mea,
Vorbesc mereu despre bani, bani, bani si bani,
Divertisment pentru tine, mod de viata pentru mine,
O ard pe 77 tu spui ca sunt mancator*1,
Am sa fumez Marijuana pan-atunci cand am sa mor,
Dar oare ce faci tu atunci cand te lovesti de realitate,
Ai sa ma-ntrebi cum e mai bine, sa mergi in fata, mai bine-n spate, Caddy:
What the f*ck you do when you get struck by reality, you're right,
You s*ck it. No one will be with you,
And far away they all know that you haven't been there,
When the boys are telling you: "Move away, punk!"
Cause who knows, is knowledgeable, he don't "bite the bait",
Cause who knows, is knowledgeable, he does it and is not fooling around,
I wish I would see you at the corner of the street making money,
I wish I would see you rising among the thugs. Refren:
I always try to explain to you that life is not so great,
I had enough explaining, go f*ck yourself,
Come with us for a ride through the wonderful hood,
The reality will hurt, we are all in a big sh*t,
I try hard to show the whole world that I can,
Pimp, thiefs, thugs, hoes all around,
Are you blind, open your eyes, time is flying,
[b]Don't dream anymore, the reality is cold. II:
Stau cu gandul numai la ban si noaptea cand dorm,
Traiesc pentru bani, pentru bani am sa mor,
Sunt acel G.O. Real de care tu vorbesti,
Sunt acel baiat baiat de care tu te cam feresti,Bug Mafia - Cand Te Lovesti De Realitate - http://ru.motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/cand-te-lovesti-de-realitate-lyrics-english-translation.html
La microfon esti tare, ca femeia la telefon,
Dar in fata cocosel te camuflez in sotron,
Mai trageti voi concluzii si va mai facem noi contuzii,
Hei UzzyG-yeah, baga-i in perfuzii. III:
Tin minte ti-am dat exact doua direct in cap,
Ai cazut sub o masina dupa care in zig-zag,
Spune-ai ca nu poate fi chiar atat de rau acolo,
Ti-am aratat cat e de rau, te rog, doi metri mai incolo,
O mica poveste peste, despre mine si Daddy Caddy,
Suntem nascuti in cartier, o dau cu G-yeah,
Sunt de trei ori mai adept al vietii de strada decat tine,
Cunosc despre orice, mai bine-ntreaba-ma pe mine. Refren:.. IV:
De fapt tu ce p*** mea vrei? Ce vrei? Vrei realitate? Iti dau realitatea!
Am ridicat Pantelimon si spun ca sincer il iubesc,
Voi de ce nu vorbiti de-al vostru, cam nefiresc,
Vrei underground fii underground, sanse putine,
Cum m*rtii m*tii cand tu vorbesti doar despre mine,
Oricine din Romania care vrea sa se convinga,
'Hai la o plimbare', iti este frica,
Gaborii nu-mi plac, presupun prea mult,
Sunt implicati prea mult dar nu gandesc prea mult, Caddy:
F*ck them cause right from the time I was born
I knew that they are the first murderers, I saw it,
I went through a lot, and I did a lot,
But I never could suffer the corrupted Policeman,
I had enough of them and of all the s*ckers that don't believe,
They can s*ck my d*ck, let them come in Pantelimon,
That's why I do 77 and lean back,
All I want now is to escape reality.
Bug Mafia - Cand Te Lovesti De Realitate (Английский перевод)
I present the reality exactly the way it is,
I limit my self to the hood, I'm only do my thing,
I always talk about money, money and again money,
Entertainment for you, lifestyle for me,
I do 77 you say I'm an "eater",
I'll smoke Maryjane until I'll die,
But let me ask you what you do when you are struck by reality,
You'll ask me how it's the best, to go in front, to go to back,
Ce m*rtii m*tii faci cand te lovesti de realitate, ai dreptate,
O sugi. Nimeni nu-ti tine parte,
Si, de parte toti stiu ca tu n-ai fost acolo,
Cand apar baietii spun: 'Da-te mai incolo",
Caci cine cunoaste stie, nu haleste,*2
Caci cine cunoaste face, nu se prosteste,
As vrea sa te vad pe tine la coltul strazii facand bani,
As vrea sa te vad pe tine cum te ridici dintre golani.
Incerc mereu sa iti explic ca viata nu este chiar roz,
M-am saturat sa-ti tot explic, mai da-te in sloboz,
Vino cu noi la o plimbare prin cartierul minunat,
Realitatea o sa doara, suntem toti intr-un cacat,
Ma zbat, ma zbat sa demonstrez lumii intregi ca si eu pot,
Peste, ciorditori, barbugii, curve peste tot,[/b]
Esti orb, deschide ochii timpul trece,
Nu mai visa frumos, realitatea este rece.
Money are always in my mind, at night during my sleep,
I live for money, for money I will die,
I'm that Real G.O. of who you're talking about,
I'm that guy that you avoid,Bug Mafia - Cand Te Lovesti De Realitate - http://ru.motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/cand-te-lovesti-de-realitate-lyrics-english-translation.html
At the mic you're hard, like the woman on the phone,
But face to face you're a chicken, I'll draw your body on the pavement,
Keep on making conclusions and we'll make you contusions,
Yo UzzyG-Yeah, get them in perfusions.
I remember that I hit your head exactly two times,
Yiou fell under a car, after that you walked a zigzag,
You said that it cannot be that bad there,
I showed you how bad it is, please, two meters away,
A little story after, about me and Daddy Caddy,
We are born in the hood, I do it like G-yeah,
We are a three times bigger supporters of the street life than you,
I know all the deals, you should better ask me.
Now what you really want? You want the reality? I give you reality!
I lifted Pantelimon's hood and I say sincerely I love it,
Why aren't you speak of you hood, sort of strange,
You want underground, be underground, little chances,
How the f*ck when you only talk about me,
Anyone from Romania that wants to convince you,
"Come to a walk", you are scared,
I don't like Police, I suppose, to much,
They are involved too much, but they don't think much,
In gat sa ii *** caci de-atunci cand m-am nascut,
Am stiut ca ei sunt primii criminali, am vazut,
Prin prea multe am trecut, si prea multe am facut,
Dar niciodata n-am putut sa sufar gaborul corupt,
M-am saturat de ei si de toti fraierii ce nu cred,
Ma *** in gura lor sa vina in Pantelimon,
Ca de-aia bag 77 si ma las pe spate,
Tot ce vreau acum e sa evadez din realitate.