Boris Novkovic - Kad ljubav stigne u grad
Ovo nije san, ovo nije java, nije noc, ni dan
nisam umoran, ne znam da l' sam budan ili blesav sam
ovo nije mrak, nije svjetlo, suton, a ni svitanje
k'o da gori zrak, kao da me deset tona pritisce To sto se dogadja k'o grom me pogadja
otkad te vidjeh ja pamet me izdala Ref. 2x
Kad ljubav stigne u grad
dani brzo prolaze, moja vuciceBoris Novkovic - Kad ljubav stigne u grad -
i bio star ili mlad
nema sanse da ti tad koljeno ne klecne Ovo nije mrak, nije svjetlo, suton, a ni svitanje
k'o da gori zrak, kao da me deset tona pritisce
to sto se dogadja k'o grom me pogadja
otkad te vidjeh ja pamet me izdala Ref. Odjednom ceste su sve pune iluzije
pocinje magija kad zaljubim se ja Ref. Odjednom ceste su sve pune iluzije
pocinje magija kad zaljubim se ja
Boris Novkovic - When love arrives in the town (Английский перевод)
This is not a dream, this is not reality, it's not a day, nor night
I'm not tired, I dont know if I'm awake or silly
this is not darkness, it's not a light, dusk nor dawn
like the air is burning, like there is 10 tones weight down on me
What's happening is hitting me like a thunder
Since I saw you my mind has gone
When love arrives in the town
the days are passing by so fast, my wolf (female one)
and wheather you're old or youngBoris Novkovic - Kad ljubav stigne u grad -
your knees are buckling
this is not darkness, it's not a light, dusk nor dawn
like the air is burning, like there is 10 tones weight down on me
What's happening is hitting me like a thunder
Since I saw you my mind has gone
Suddenly the streets are full of illusions
the magic starts when I fall in love
Suddenly the streets are full of illusions
the magic starts when I fall in love