Boaz Mauda - Lacho Eli Tashugoti
Lacho Eli tashugoti
Bacho khashgi waahavoti
Lacho libi wachilyotay
Lacho rukhi wanishmoti Hashiveni waoshuvoBoaz Mauda - Lacho Eli Tashugoti -
Watirtsa at tashuvoti Lacho yoday lacho raglay
Umimoch hi tachunoti
Lacho ani baodi khay
Waaf ki akharey moti
Boaz Mauda - Lacho Eli Tashugoti (Английский перевод)
To you, my God, is my passion
In you is my desire and my love
To you is my heart and my kidneys
To you is my spirit and my soul
Bring me back and I shall returnBoaz Mauda - Lacho Eli Tashugoti -
And may you want my repentance
To you are my hands and my feet
And of you are my qualities
To you I am while I live
And also after my death