Bebe - Busco me
Algún día aprenderé el por qué de algunas cosas
Empiezo a aprender como camina mi corazón
Me precipito, salto al vacio
Luego me siento y me pongo a buscarme Y me busco, busco me busco y no me encuentro
Yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco yo busco y me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco me busco y no me encuentro Busco, me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco y me busco...
Y no paro de buscarme más y doy vueltas
Y pienso sin parar
Y me miro en el espejo despacito
Me analizo y me enfado otra vez conmigo
Y me digo "Anda ya mujé
Si to tiene solución menos la muerte"
Y me levanto mu segura
Y me echo a llorar como una niña oscura
Ya no me divierto pienso algunos días
Y al otro día no hay sol que me acueste
Me echo a correr buscando no se que
Pensando que tal vez es posible reponerse
Ya no me divierto pienso algunos días
Y al otro día no hay sol que me acueste
Me echo a correr buscando no se que
Pensando que tal vez es posible reponerse
Y yo mientras busco me busco y no me encuentro Yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y me busco... Y cuando mi cuerpo termine de llorar
Echaré una ramita al marBebe - Busco me -
Que sea balsa pá un marinero naufrago
Y pá que no vaya atienta le pondré yo un faro
Y ahora que he caído al fondo de una piscina
Que ni una gotita de agua tenía
Voy a recoger mis alitas rotas
Y las pegaré trocito a trozo
Y volaré
Yo soy una montaña rusa que sube que baja
Que ríe que calla confusa
Me dejo de lleva lleva
Por lo que los días me quieran mostrar
Soy una montaña rusa que sube que baja
Que ríe que calla confusa
Me dejo de lleva
Por lo que los días me quieran mostrar Y yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y me busco... Y ya no me divierto pienso algunos días
Y al otro día no hay sol que me acueste
Me echo a correr buscando no se que
Pensando que tal vez es posible reponerse
Y yo mientras busco me busco y no me encuentro Y yo busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco me busco y me busco
Y me busco y me busco
Y me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y busco me busco y no me encuentro
Y yo busco, yo busco, me busco
Me busco y me busco... Submitter's comments: Thank you very much
Bebe - I search for myself (Английский перевод)
Someday I will learn the reason why some things happen
I'm starting to learn how my heart walks
I rush, I jump into the emptiness
And after that I sit down and start searching for myself
And I search, I search for myself, I search and I can't find myself
I search, I search and I can't find myself
I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search and search and search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search and search for myself...
And I don't stop searching and I walk in circles
And I think non stop
And I look at myself in the mirror, slowly
I analyse myself and again I get angry at myself
And I tell myself "Come on, woman!
There is a remedy for everything except death"
And I stand up feeling very confident
But then I break down in tears like a goth girl
Sometimes I think "I'm not having fun anymore"
And the next day there's no sun that will put me to sleep
I start running searching for who knows what
Thinking that maybe it's possible to get over this
Sometimes I think "I'm not having fun anymore"
And the next day there's no sun that will put me to sleep
I start running searching for who knows what
Thinking that maybe it's possible to get over this
And meanwhile I search, I search and I can't find myself
I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
I search and search and search for myself...
And after my body stops cryingBebe - Busco me -
I will throw a little twig into the sea
So that it will become a boat for a shipwrecked sailor
And I will attach a beacon to it so that it won't stumble
And now that I have reached the bottom of a pool
That didn't have even a single drop of water
I will pick up my broken, little wings
And stick them back together piece by little piece
And I will fly
I'm like a roller coaster that goes up and down
That laughs and keeps quiet in confusion
I let myself be carried away
By whatever the days want to show to me
I'm like a roller coaster that goes up and down
That laughs and keeps quiet in confusion
I let myself be carried away
By whatever the days want to show to me
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search and search and search for myself...
Sometimes I think "I'm not having fun anymore"
And the next day there's no sun that will put me to sleep
I start running searching for who knows what
Thinking that maybe it's possible to get over this
And meanwhile I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search and search and search
And search and search
And search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search and I can't find myself
And I search, I search, I search for myself
I search for myself, I search for myself...