Alternosfera - Drumuri De Noroi
Doar uneori in prag de-amurg,
Cei care-l trec se lasa de drum
Noaptea-i prea scurta iar drumu-i prea lung,
Pentru un pion invartindu-se-n fum.
La oglinda nu mai stau
Nu aud in ea nimic.
In nimicul mut doar umbre prind
Ce-n surzimea lor ma mint,
Ore grele vor veni si sub ploi
M-or scalda un anotimp
Drumuri de noroi.
Doar uneori in prag de amurg
Nu mai conteaza cat esti de-obosit.
Nepastor isi vede de drum,Alternosfera - Drumuri De Noroi -
Fuge pionul ca un nebun.
La oglinda nu mai stau
Nu aud in ea nimic.
In nimicul mut doar umbre prind
Ce-n surzimea lor ma mint,
Ore grele vor veni si sub ploi
M-or scalda un anotimp
Drumuri de noroi.
Ore grele
Ore grele vor veni
Ore grele vor veni
Ore grele pe sub ploi
(Ore grele pe sub ploi)
Drumuri de noroï.
Alternosfera - Roads of mud (Английский перевод)
Only sometimes in the threshold of the dusk
Those who are passing him by stop their way
The night is too short while the way is too long
For a pawn who is rotating in the fume
Only sometimes in the threshold of the dusk
It doesn't matter anylonger how tired you are
Unconcernedly he beholds his way
The pawn is running like a fool.
I am not standing anymore in front of the mirror
I don't hear anything in it(=the mirror)Alternosfera - Drumuri De Noroi -
In the mute nonentity I catch just shadows
What they lie to me in their deafness,
Hard hours will come and under the rain
They will wet me a season
Roads of mud
Hard hours
Hard hours will come
Hard hours under the rain
Roads of mud