Alternosfera - 511
Se sparg razele'n tavan
Ochii tai privesc in geam
Tu ma cauti asultand
Am plitu de rand pe rand
Rand pe rand Foma foametei pamant
Te ameteste fratur vand
S'auzind frecventa in vid
Tu pe mine m'ai gasit
M'ai gasiiit (refren)
Closer so you can hear me better
During a sunny time
Come beside me
We get crazy and jump to the clouds
In your tears
In my ..
Only emotions in overdose Iar cand okii deschizi
Iti ataca in curand
Timpanele tale
Acolo palnetei pamant (supradoze)
Blocuri infipte in asfalt pleaca in zare
Iti provoaca durere tot ce ai in vizoare Oare cine te chiama oare cine t'ndruma (supradoze)
Oare a cui frecventa in minte iti suna Alternosfera te cheama
Alternosfera te'ndruma Gaseste orasul 511 !! Te ameteste fraturand
Foma foametei pamant
Oare cea'r fi'n al tau gand
Cand asculti la geam plangadAlternosfera - 511 -
Undele pe rand
Viata pasi
Silabe'n vers
Vreai respins
Vreai il citesti
Dar auzind frecventa'n vid
Tu pe mine m'ai gasit
M'ai gasiiiit Mai aproape sa m'auzi mai bine
Intra timp cu soare
Vino langa mine
Noi de pe fix sarim in nori
In ale tale lacrimi
In ale mele broze
Doar emotii in supradoze
Iar cand okii deschizi
Iti ataca in curand
Timpanele tale
Acolo palnetei pamant (supradoze)
Blocuri infipte in asfalt pleaca in zare
Iti provoaca durere tot ce ai in vizoare Oare cine te chiama oare cine t'ndruma (supradoze)
Oare a cui frecventa in minte iti suna Alternosfera te cheama
Alternosfera te'ndruma
Gaseste orasul 511 !! Alternosfera te'ndruma
Alternosfera te'ndruma Alternosfera te cheama
Alternosfera te'ndruma
Gaseste orasul 511 !!
Alternosfera - 511 (Английский перевод)
Rays break on the ceiling
Your eyes look through the window
You search for me listening(?)
I have the ...row by row
Row by row
Hunger of hungers on the earth
Benumbs you....
And hearing the frequency in inanity
You found me
You found me
Mai aproape sa m'auzi mai bine
Intra timp cu soare
Vino langa mine
Noi de pe fix sarim in nori
In ale tale lacrimi
In ale mele broze
Doar emotii in supradoze
And when you open your eyes
They soon attack
Your tympanums
There the planet earth(overdose)
Blocks sticked in the asphalt leave in...
Everything you have in sight causes you pain
I wonder who calls you who leads you(overdose)
I wonder whose frequency jingles in your mind
The Alternatesphere is calling you
The alternosphere is leading you
Find the 511 city!!
It benumbs you....
Hunger of Hungers on earth
I wonder what would be in your thought
When you listen at the window crying
The waves one by oneAlternosfera - 511 -
Life stepped
Syllables in verse reject it read it
But hearing the frequency in inanity
You found me
You found me
Closer so you can hear me better
During a sunny time
Come beside me
We get crazy and jump to the clouds
In your tears
In my ..
Only emotions in overdose
And when you open your eyes
They soon attack
Your tympanums
There the planet earth(overdose)
Blocks sticked in the asphalt leave in...
Everything you have in sight causes you pain
I wonder who calls you who leads you(overdose)
I wonder whose frequency jingles in your mind
The Alternatesphere is calling you
The alternosphere is leading you
Find the 511 city!!
The alternosphere is leading you
The alternosphere is leading you
The Alternatesphere is calling you
The alternosphere is leading you
Find the 511 city!!