Adela Popescu - Dragostea tine cu mine
Oricate ziduri se ridica-ntre noi,
Eu sunt aici si te-astept.
Oricate vremuri se intampla-ntre noi,
Eu sunt aici si te-astept,
Atata timp cat... Dragostea ta ma cheama la tine,
Ea tine cu mine
Si intr-o zi
Iubirea mea se va-ntalni cu inima ta. Oricata lume se va pune-ntre noi,
Eu sunt aici si te-astept.Adela Popescu - Dragostea tine cu mine -
Nicio putere nu-mi va lua inapoi
Puterea sa te astept,
Atata timp cat... Dragostea ta ma cheama la tine,
Ea tine cu mine
Si intr-o zi
Iubirea mea se va-ntalni cu inima ta. Dragostea ta ma cheama la tine,
Ea tine cu mine
Si intr-o zi
Iubirea mea se va-ntalni cu inima ta. Eu sunt aici sï te-astept.
Adela Popescu - Love is on my side (Английский перевод)
No matter how many walls will raise between the two of us,
I'm still here, waiting for you.
No matter how much time will come between us,
I'm still here, waiting for you,
As long as...
Your love is calling me to you,
Love is on my side
And one day
My love will encounter your heart.
No matter how many people will come between us,
I'm still here, waiting for you.Adela Popescu - Dragostea tine cu mine -
No power will take back from me
The strength to wait for you,
As long as...
Your love is calling me to you,
Love is on my side
And one day
My love will encounter your heart.
Your love is calling me to you,
Love is on my side
And one day
My love will encounter your heart.
I'm still here, waiting for you.