Activ - Timpul
La usa ta iar am batut,
Erai plecat,nu te-am vazut
Pe banca in parc ma opresc
Sperand doar sa te-ntalnesc,
Din amintiri traiesc,
Iar tu,nu te intorci oricum. Anterefren:
Vreau sa-mi dai ce mi-ai promis mai demult,
Tu erai totul in viata mea dar te-am pierdut. Refren: X2
Esti strainul ce-mi furi mereu,Activ - Timpul -
Zilele,noptile,si mi-e greu,
Mi-e dor sa-mi spui ca ma iubesti
Ca dintr-un vis as vrea sa ma trezesti. Cu tine-n gand pana tarziu,
Cand ma trezesc totu-i pustiu.
Stiu ca si eu am gresit
De-atatea ori te-am mintit
Lasa-mi o sansa sa-ti spun ce simt
Cand tu nu esti aici. Anterefren: Refren X 2 Ca dintr-un vis as vrea sa ma trezestï...
Activ - Time (Английский перевод)
I knocked at your door again,
You were gone, I didn't see you
I stopped on the park bench
Hoping only to meet you
I live in memories
And you, you're not coming back anyway.
I want you to give me what you once promised me,
You were everything in my life but I lost you.
Refrain: X2
You are the stranger that always steals from meActiv - Timpul -
Days, nights, and it is hard for me,
I miss you telling me that you love me
Like in a dream, I'd like you to wake me up.
With you in mind too late,
When I wake up everything is deserted.
I know that I made a mistake
All those times I lied to you
Give me a chance to tell you what I feel
When you're not here.
Refren X 2
Like in a dream, I'd like you to wake me....