Zucchero - Like The Sun
(feat. Macy Gray & Jeff Beck)
In this world i am gonna walk
until my feet refuse to take me any longer
yes i m gonna walk and walk some more
and i will ask everyone i meet
ask till they tell me thers no answers anymore
yes im gonna ask more and some more
and i will love somebody somewhere
till my heart breaks until its done
until it explodes from out of nowhere
like the sun like the sun
in this world i am gonna sing
until my voice wont be singing any longer
yes im gonna sing more and some more
Zucchero - Like The Sun - http://ru.motolyrics.com/zucchero/like-the-sun-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
and i will love somebody somewhere
till my heart breaks until its done
until it explodes from out of nowhere
like the sun like the sun
i will be looking at everyone
until my eyes refuse to see them any longer
and though it hurts me so gonna keep on looking
looking looking at me
and i will love somebody somewhere
till my heart breaks until its done
until it explodes from out of nowhere
like the sun like the sun
in this world i will love no more
so love cant hurt me hurt me any longer
Zucchero - Poput sunca (Сербский перевод)
U ovaj svet - ja ću ušetati
Dok moja stopala - ne odbiju da me odvedu dalje
Da, ići ću - i ići još malo
I pitaću - sve koje sretnem
Pitaću dok mi ne kažu - da nema više odgovora
Da, pitaću - još i još malo
I voleću nekoga, negde
Dok mi srce ne stane - dok ne bude gotovo
Dok ne eksplodira - ni od kuda
Poput sunca - poput sunca
U ovom svetu - ja ću pevati
Sve dok mi glas - ne može više pevati
Da, pevaću - još i još malo
I voleću nekoga, negdeZucchero - Like The Sun - http://ru.motolyrics.com/zucchero/like-the-sun-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Dok mi srce ne stane - dok ne bude gotovo
Dok ne eksplodira - ni od kuda
Poput sunca - poput sunca
Gledaću - nekoga
Dok moje oči - ne odbiju da ih vide više
Iako me jako boli - moram i dalje da gledam
Gledam, gledam sebe
I voleću nekoga, negde
Dok mi srce ne stane - dok ne bude gotovo
Dok ne eksplodira - ni od kuda
Poput sunca - poput sunca
U ovom svetu - neću više voleti
Tako da me ljubav ne može povrediti - ne može više povrediti