zeki erdem - seni seviyorum
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Gunes olup dogmasan dazeki erdem - seni seviyorum - http://ru.motolyrics.com/zeki-erdem/seni-seviyorum-lyrics-english-translation.html
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Gulum seni seviyorum
zeki erdem - I love you (Английский перевод)
Like a soil, missing the water
A day-counting captive
Not like one, but thousands of quixotics
My rose, I love you
Even if you became the rain and wouldn't rain
Even if you'd become the sun and wouldn't risezeki erdem - seni seviyorum - http://ru.motolyrics.com/zeki-erdem/seni-seviyorum-lyrics-english-translation.html
If you'd not look for me/ask for me
My love, I'd love you
Because my life needs you
I got a slave to this love
Solely the last solution for my problem
My rose, I love you