Zale - Ma Topesc
Feel this...(dj'ing)
Imi vine sa te sun la ai tai
De cate ori imi amintesc de profilul tau
Imi place sa ma uit in ochii tai
Si sa te kitty , kitty , go , go!
Sa'ti prezint a..cest , cadou promotional
Dat cu slow motion , (hah!) , in timp emotional
In presa de scandal sunt un mic criminal
Ca te'adorm cu acest voal in chip subliminal , stii..
Multe'ar vrea imi brate sa'mi sara..hop..
Nu ma pot vedea ca sunt deghizat in ?? , stop!
Fiindca in vreme de ploi girl
E senin cand suntem doar noi doi girl
Deseara voi fii samuraiul tau geishou
Sau marinarul tau , si pe vas va fi show
Pot fi al tau Shaggy , tu sa fi Carollina
Pot fi Bandera si tu Mandolina
Simt ca ma topesc , dupa ochii tai
Chipul tau as vrea , sa'l ating mereu
(nu beat sta..)
Stii ca ma lovesc , de parfumul tau
Si cu el as vrea , sa ma'nbat mereuu..
Zale - Ma Topesc -
As vrea sa pot sa exprim in cuvinte
Tot ceea ce in inima mea pentru tine simt , e..
Aceeasi bucurie in mine mereu cand zambesti
La fel ca atunci cand te'nvelesc dupa ce atipesti
Apoi plecat la treburi , parca merg mai bine toate
Incalzit de gandul ca ma'ntorc la tine , poate
N'ai observat ca nu observam ce repede trece o noapte
Dezlipindu'ne buzele , numai cateva soapte
Intinsi pe nisip , langa malul marii
Cu privile spre unde , unde se plimba norii
Soarele isi trimite razele cu lumini ce ploua
In ochii tai ca doua , picaturi de roua ,
Noua , ne'a fost dat sa ni se impleteasca drumul
Fara sa stim , tresarim cand ne simtim parfumul
Iubesc atingerea moale a mainilor tale
Cand in somn , tresar in vis si's atins de petale
Simt ca ma topesc , dupa ochii tai
Chipul tau as vrea , sa'l ating mereu
(nu beat sta..)
Stii ca ma lovesc , de parfumul tau
Si cu el as vrea , sa ma'nbat mereuu..
(nu beat sta..)
Kïtty go!...
Zale - Ma topesc (Английский перевод)
Feel this...(dj'ing)
I just want to call you in your parents home
everytime I remember your profile (body)
And I love to look into your eyes
And to charm you ... here kitty , kitty , go , go!
And to present you this promotional gift
given with slow motion, in emotional times
In the press (paparazzi's) I'm a little murder
'cause I'm charming you with this voal in an exciting way
a lot of girls would love to jump in my arms
they cannot see I'm desguised in ?? stop !
Because in the raining time girl
It's nice outside when we're together only 2 of us
Tonight I'll be your samurai my gheisha
or your sailer, and on the bout is going to be a show
I may be your Shaggy, you my Carolina
I may be Bandera and you Mandolina
I feel I'm melting for your eyes
i want to touch always your faceZale - Ma Topesc -
(don't stand, on the beat, don't stand)
You know I'm hit by your perfume
and with it I would like to get drunk always
I would like to espress in words
everything my heart feels for you... it's
the same joy in my everytime you smile
like when I cover you after you fell asleep
then went to the work, it's like all workd better
warmed by the thought I 'll come back at you, maybe
you didn't noticed that we don't observ how easier one night passes
Unsticking our lips by only some whispers
laid on the sand, near the seaside
looking where the clouds walk
the sun sends it sumbeams with lihgts that rains
in your eyes like 2 drops of des
it was written for us our roads to meet
without to know, we wince when we feel our perfume
I love the soft touch of your hands
when in my dream I wince and I'm touched by petals