Zabranjeno Pusenje - Kad Sena pleše
Sena pleše u našoj kafani
malo ranjena tih dana i to je sve
Sena pleše u majici 'Madonna'
Sena pleše za sve naše duše prodane Seno, gotovo je, napokon si kući
tvoj brod je stig'o do svjetionika
čisti veš, kafa i kolači vrući
nisi više sluga svoga ljubavnika Sena opet pleše, oko nas titra sve
k'o vreli zrak perona u Pločama
Sena opet pleše, mladi desperado viče
'Jaro, ovo nema ni kod Clintona' REF. 2x
Esta buena prisonera
pleši, Seno, nikad nemoj stat'
gangsta grande pistolero
da ovdje ti je dom, to nikad nećeš znat' Sena pleše u našoj kafaniZabranjeno Pusenje - Kad Sena pleše -
nije dala na sebe, to je sve što trebaš znat'
Sena pleše u majici 'Madonna'
jedno svijetlo za nas vel'ki mrak Seno, sve je mirno, kiša je stala
mogli bi polako, izmorio te put
nek san ti bude stražar na putu do doline
vrijeme je za 'siestu' i za zadnji šut Sena opet pleše, ogledala se magle
od srebrnog praha s njenog nakita
Sena opet pleše i tada dobro znaš
koliko je blizu sjaj od očaja REF. 2x
Esta buena prisonera
pleši, Seno, nikad nemoj stat'
gangsta grande pistolero
da ovdje ti je dom, to nikad nećeš znat'
Zabranjeno Pusenje - When Sena dances (Английский перевод)
Sena dances at our cafe
she's kinda hurt these days, and that's all
Sena dances in 'Madonna' T-shirt
Sena dances for all our destroyed souls
Hey, Sena, it's over, you're finally home
your boat just came to the lighthouse
clean laundry, coffee and hot cakes
you aren't your lover's servant any more
Sena is dancing again, everything is vibrating
like a hot air of the Ploče platform
Sena is dancing again, young desperado screamed:
"Man, even Clinton hasn't got this!"
This beautiful prisoner
Dance, Sena, never stop your dance
Big gangsta gunman
You'll never know that this is your home
Sena dances at our cafeZabranjeno Pusenje - Kad Sena pleše -
she hasn't put out, that's all you have to know
Sena dances in 'Madonna' T-shirt
one light for our great dark
Hey, Sena, everything is calm, the rain stopped
we could go slowly, the trip exhausted you
your dream'll be your guard on the trip to the valley
it's time for the rest and the last shot
Sena is dancing again, the mirrors are misting
of the silver powder from her jewellery
Sena is dancing again, and then you really know
how far is shine from misery
This beautiful prisoner
Dance, Sena, never stop your dance
Big gangsta gunman
You'll never know that this is your home