Xaniar - Bedoone to
اگه به تو نمیگفتم حرفمامو
اگه نمیگفتم چقد دوست دارم. . الان بودی شاید اگه نمی فهمیدی اینو
که تو رو زیادی از حد دوست دارم. . الان بودی مثه یه سایه همرات اومدم
مطمئنشم که توو آرامشی
نمی دونستم خسته ات می کنم
یه روز تو رو اگه کمتر می دیدمت
اگه می ذاشتم دلتنگم بشی
اینجا بودی
کنارم هنوز بدون تو شبام، پر از غم و سرماست
آره بدون تو ، ته راهمه، ته دنیاست بدون تو شبام ، پر از غم وآهه،
اگه تنها بری، می بینی آخرش
اشتباهه، آره این گناهه نگرانت می شدم
نمی دیدمت حتی چند ساعتXaniar - Bedoone to - http://ru.motolyrics.com/xaniar/bedoone-to-lyrics-english-translation.html
به بودن تو
دلم عاشقونه کرده بود عادت
ولی فایده نداشت اون همه تلاش
تو رسیده بودی به آخراش از خدا می خوام
روزات بگذره خوشحال و راحت
از ته دلم
زندگی رو با عشق می خوام واست
باز خیسه چشام
ولی نمی خوام دل تو بسوزه دیگه برام بدون تو شبام، پر از غم و سرماست
آره بدون تو ، ته راهمه، ته دنیاست بدون تو شبام ، پر از غم وآهه،
اگه تنها بری، می بینی آخرش
اشتباهه، آره این گناهه خوشحال و راحت
عشق می خوام واست
Xaniar - without you (Английский перевод)
If I didn't tell you my words
If I didn't tell you how much I love you, now you were here
maybe if you didn't understand it
that I love you too much ,now you were here
I came with you like your shadow
to be sure that you're calm and happy
I didn't know that I will bore you
some day
If I saw you less
If I had let you miss me
you were here
right beside me still
without you my nights are full of sorrow and coldness
yeah, without you there's n end to my way, it's end of the world
without you my nights are full of sorrow and alas
if you go alone you'll see finally
that it's not right, yeah it's a sin
I would worry about you
If I didn't see you only a few hoursXaniar - Bedoone to - http://ru.motolyrics.com/xaniar/bedoone-to-lyrics-english-translation.html
to your presence
my heart was addicted passionately
but all those affairs were helpless
you had reached the ends
I ask God
that your days spend happily and comfy
from the deep of my heart
I want the life full of love for you
my eyes are wet again
but I don't want you to think poor of me anymore
without you my nights are full of sorrow and coldness
yeah, without you there's n end to my way, it's end of the world
without you my nights are full of sorrow and alas
if you go alone you'll see finally
that it's not right, yeah it's a sin
happy and comfortable
I want love for you