Wadi Al-Safi - Soret Mitlak Bay
sert metlak bay ya baye
we 3reft 2imet fadlak 3laye X(2) talla3 bdari malak jdid
kebret edeni be3naye ya baye sert a3ref kel bay we 2em shou byet3abou wa adesh 3andhom ham(2)
balasht es'har we ghafweti te2sar(3) bas shayef la7n 3omri tam
zedt 7ob we 7eneye ya baye ballasht o7sod ghallet el iyam
ma3ad be3yoon el 3omr awham(2) we sert bezyade bghar 3a bladi(5)Wadi Al-Safi - Soret Mitlak Bay - http://ru.motolyrics.com/wadi-al-safi/soret-mitlak-bay-lyrics-english-translation.html
we zahhar bidari el ward wel a7lam
3am tedh7ak we ter2os 7awalaye ya baye we sert 3an bayte en ghebt nhar
b7es b2albi tarktou beddar wen sheft tefl sghir
albi fara7 bitytir (3) ma3edt khayef law zamani jar,fi 3andi sar men yefteker fiye ya baye we mab2it khayef men eshaykh wala men el sha2a ayyam we shmookha sar fi 3andi bi hak el 3omor sande sande 3an el albay maslookha 3atyet sama we mbaraka 3taye ghayr el insan yesba7 bay ma bya3ref fadhl ahlou 3lay wa7yat 3aynayha elli rbit 3adayha ghayr el insan yesba7 bay ma bya3ref fadhl ahlou 3lay wa7yat 3aynayha elli rbit 3adayha ghayr el insan yesba7 bay ma bya3ref fadhl ahlou 3lay wa7yat 3aynayha emmi elli rbit 3adayha emmi bteswa eddeni ade eddeni we shway kelmet ya emme
she worths the whole world and still the wrold "mom" is not enough oh my mother
Wadi Al-Safi - Soret Mitlak Bay (Английский перевод)
i became like you ,oh my father
and i knew the value of your favors on me
a new angel was born in my house
the world got bigger to my eyes oh my father
i became knowing how every father and mother gets tired and how much concern they show
i became staying up late and my sleeps got shorter
but i'm seeing the melody of my life is completed
love and affection grew even more in me my father
i became reaping the fruit of the daysWadi Al-Safi - Soret Mitlak Bay - http://ru.motolyrics.com/wadi-al-safi/soret-mitlak-bay-lyrics-english-translation.html
there is no illusions in the eyes of the lifetime
and i became feeling more jalousy for my country
and dreams and roses bloomed in my house
they are laughing and dancing around me oh my father
and i became,if i get away for while from my house
i feel like leaving my heart there
and if i see a little child
my heart flies of joy
i no longer fear the betrayal of the lifetime cause i have now who thinks about me
i no longer fear gettin older nor the scam and bluff of the days
i become having support in my life
a support right stripped from my fatherhood
a gift from the sky ,how belessed it is!!!
human doesn't know the favors of his parent on him unless he becomes a father
i swear of the life of the one that raised me with her hands
human doesn't know the favors of his parent on him unless he becomes a father
i swear of the eyes of who raised me
human doesn't know the favors of his parent on him unless he becomes a father
i swear of the life of my mother that raised me
we sawt ya bayye ya bayye