
I Wanna Be Free перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Voltaj - I Wanna Be Free

You got to feel free again
You got to feel free again Clipe ce-n zădar nu o să stea
Sunt stele ce apun in palma ta
Nu pot să te-opreasca ... yeey
Sa trăieşti aşa cum vrei Spune-mi în ce ma laşi să cred
Spune-mi că m'am născut să pierd
Spune-mi că n'am voie sa'ncerc
F-U-C-K U! Tell me the rain will always fall
And I am just allowed to crawl
Tell me the sun is not for us all
F-U-C-K U! Spune-mi ce ar trebui să fac
Spune-mi ce haine sa îmbrac
Spune-mi ca am voie să tac
F-U-C-K U! Tell me the sky is always grey
Tell me this dream is not ok
But I will fly around, away
I'll be free again Refren
I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna be free (be free)
Taking what life has for me
You'll be free
Say: You got to be free
You'll be free....oh, oh, oh Spune-mi pe ce drum sa paşesc
Spune-mi pe cine să iubescVoltaj - I Wanna Be Free - http://ru.motolyrics.com/voltaj/i-wanna-be-free-lyrics-english-translation.html
Spune-mi ca nu pot să greşesc
F-U-C-K U! Tell me that I don't understand
Who can I choose to be my friend
Tell me the life is to pretend
F-U-C-K U! Spune-mi că stelele's prea sus
Spune-mi că orice vis e'n plus
Spune-mi că n'am nimic de spus
F-U-C-K U! Tell me it's better to play dumb
Tell me the dawn will never come
But I don't care, I'll steal the sun
I'll be free again Refren
I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna be free (be free)
Taking what life has for me
You'll be free
Say: you got to be free
You'll be free....oh, oh, oh Free from the world that you see I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Taking what life has for me I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Say: you got to be free
I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Taking what life has for me

Английский перевод

Voltaj - I Wanna Be Free (Английский перевод)

You got to feel free again
You got to feel free again

Moments that will not sit in vain
These are stars that set in your hand
I can't stop you ... yeey
from living as you want

Tell me what I am to think
Tell me I am born to lose
Tell me I'm not allowed to try
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me the rain will always fall
And I am just allowed to crawl
Tell me the sun is not for us all
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me what should I do
Tell me what clothes to wear
Tell me I am allowed to be silent
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me the sky is always gray
Tell me this dream is not ok
But I will fly around, away
I'll be free again

I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna to be free (be free)
Taking what life has for me
You'll be free
Say: you got to be free
You'll be free .... oh, oh, oh

Tell me which way to walk
Tell me who to loveVoltaj - I Wanna Be Free - http://ru.motolyrics.com/voltaj/i-wanna-be-free-lyrics-english-translation.html
Tell me I can't be wrong
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me that I do not understand
Who can I choose to be my friend
Tell me that life is to pretend
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me the stars are too high
Tell me any dream is in addition
Tell me I don't have to say anything
F-U-C-K U!

Tell me it's better to play dumb
Tell me the dawn will never come
But I don't care, I'll steal the sun
I'll be free again

I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna be free (be free)
Taking what life has for me
You'll be free
Say: you got to be free
You'll be free .... oh, oh, oh

Free from the world that you see

I wanna, I wanna be free
Free from the world that you see
I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Taking what life has for me

I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Say: you got to be free
I wanna, I wanna be free (you'll be free)
Taking what life has for me

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