Vitas - Opera 2
My house has been built but I am alone here
The door banged behind my back
An autumn wind is knocking on the window
Crying over me all over again...
Thunderstorm at night and fog in the morning...
The sun has turned completely cold
Old pains are following one another
Let them all get together!
Vitas - Opera 2 -
My house has been built but I am alone here
The door banged behind my back
An autumn wind is knocking on the window
Crying over me all over again...
This is Fate and I can't
Ask anything of Fate!
I just know how the winds
Will be wailing after I'm gone
Vitas - Opera 2 (Сербский перевод)
Moj dom je sagrađen
ali u njemu sam sam.
Iza leđa zalupila su se vrata.
Jesenji vetar lupa u prozor,
opet plače nada mnom.
Noću - oluja,
Ujutro - magla.
Sunce se sasvim ohladilo.Vitas - Opera 2 -
Davne boli idu jedna za drugom,
neka sve dođu.
Moj dom je sagrađen
ali u njemu sam sam.
Iza leđa zalupila su se vrata
jesenji vetar lupa u prozor
opet plače nada mnom.
To je sudbina, a sudbinu ne mogu da molim ni za šta.
Samo ja znam kako će posle mene vetrovi zavijati.