Vintage - Ave Maria
Проспал свою работу Ангел - Хранитель
И стала жизнь как скучное кино - Ты зритель
Ты герой в мечтах, но слабый - играй с огнём
И плачешь ты на разных языках, её зовёшь Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria Мы строим планы и не верим в чудо
И слышим как смеётся от души, от туда...
Не засыпают дети, ждут нежных рук
Из колыбели прямо в небеса её зовуут Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave MariaVintage - Ave Maria -
Oh, Maria Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria I'm not saint, God, you know
Just a player, playing role
Give me please a little sign
That is somewhere in the sky
Cry for mercy
Cry for safe
Cry for gift of being brave.
I pray, pray, pray to Maria
Pray and play
Vintage - Ave Maria (Английский перевод)
Angel-guarder overslept (did not do) his work
And life became like a boring movie - You are spectator
You are the hero in dreams, but weak - play with fire
And you are crying on different languages, calling for her
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria...
We are planning things, and dont believe in miracle
And we hear the laughing at loud, from there...
Children are not falling asleep, they are waitting gentle hands
From the cradle just to the heavens they are calling for her
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Oh, Maria....
I'm not saint, God, you knowVintage - Ave Maria -
Just a player, playing role
Give me please a little sign
That is somewhere in the sky
Cry for mercy
Cry for safe
Cry for gift of being brave.
I pray, pray, pray to Maria
Pray and play