Vigen - مهتاب
مهتاب! اي مونس عــــــــــاشقــــــــــــــان روشنـــايي آسمـانهـــــــــــــــــــــا مهتــــــــــــــــاب!اي چراغ آسمـان روشني بخش جهــــــــــــــــــــــان کو ماهم؟ نزدت چه شبها،با اودرآنجا بوديــم فارغ زدنيا ،لبها به لبها بوديــــــــم با يکدگر ما،پيش تو تنها بوديــــــم مفتون و شيدا،غرق تماشا بوديـم مهتاب!امشب که پيش تـــــــــو ام اورفتـه و من مانــــــــــــــــــــــده ام آه.....افسوس! رفت و آن دوران گذشــــــــــــــــــت سرنهم بر کوه و دشت از هجـرش نزدت چه شبها،با اودرآنجا بوديــم فارغ زدنيا ،لبها به لبها بوديــــــــم با يکدگر ما،پيش تو تنها بوديــــــم مفتون و شيدا،غرق تماشا بوديـمVigen - مهتاب -
Vigen - moonlight (Английский перевод)
a lover's companion
Brightness of the heavens
moonlight!The sky lights
luminous of the world
where is my moon ?
with you at nights,we were with her Next to you
Regardless of the World,We were "lips on the lips"
together,we were alone with you
appealing and charming,we were enchanted by one anotherVigen - مهتاب -
moonlight!tonight that i'm with you
she's gone and I'm still here
oh .... pity!
it's gone and those days are gone
I'll go to Mountains and Plains because of her being away
with you at nights,we were with her Next to you
Regardless of the World
together,we were alone with you
appealing and charming,we were enchanted by one another