Vaya Con Dios - Time Flies
It's been such a funny day
I don't know why
Walking on an endless lane
Life passing me by
Tomorrow is calling
But I'm dragging my feet
The skies are indecently clear
But I can't stand the heat
Sleep walking in a haze
Stumbling like a child
Dragons that I used to chase
Tease me from inside
The future's uncertain
Just like yesterday
Memories of heaven
Can be taken away
You know, time flies
And the rebels, one day, they all go quietVaya Con Dios - Time Flies -
Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind
Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind
They say you learn from your mistakes
It's a lie
My redemption has been staged
Numerous times
But the angels of passion
Still taunt me in my sleep
They keep throwing petals
And thorns underneath my feet
You know, time flies
And the rebels, one day, they all go quiet
Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind
Ain't no money, ain't nobody
That can buy you peace of mind
Vaya Con Dios - Vreme leti (Сербский перевод)
Bio je tako cudan dan
Ne znam zasto
Dok hodam beskrajnom stazom
Zivot me prolazi
Sutrasnjica zove
A ja vucem svoja stopala
Nebo je nepristojno cisto
Ali ja ne mogu da podnesem tu toplotu
Pospano hodam kroz izmaglicu
Spoticem se se poput deteta
Zmajevi koje sam nekada jurula
Zadirkivaju me iznutra
Buducnost je neizvesna
Bas kao i juce (proslost)
Secanje na raj
Moze biti oduzeto
Ti znas,vreme leti
I pobunjenici,jednog dana,svi oni postanu tihi
Ne postoji novac,ne postoji osobaVaya Con Dios - Time Flies -
Koja moze da ti kupi mir sopstvenog uma
Ne postoji novac,ne postoji osoba
Koja moze da ti kupi mir spostvenog uma
Kazu da ucis na svojima greskama
To je laz
Moje iskupljenje je bilo priredjeno
Bezbroj puta
Ali andjeli strasti
I dalje me provociraju u snu
Ne prestaju da bacaju latice
I trnje pod moje noge
Ti znas,vreme leti
I pobunjenici,jednog dana,svi oni postanu tihi
Ne postoji novac,ne postoji osoba
Koja moze da ti kupi mir sopstvenog uma
Ne postoji novac,ne postoji osoba
Koja moze da ti mir spostvenog uma