Van Gogh - Sta ako?
Sve vreme ovog sveta
je moglo biti nase
Sad sedim i gledam kako dan
Svojom lepotom se budi
Ne nisam tuzan
Ponekad takvo je lice
Dok sedim i cekam da kazes mi
Odlazim A sta ako ti ja
Sapnem sad neke reci
Koje nikad nisi ti cula preVan Gogh - Sta ako? -
Koje te probude i podsete
Da mozda mi poneki put
Sapnemo sve one reci
Koje nikad nismo pre govorili Hajde spavaj sad
Mozda i nadjem te u snu Sve vreme ovog sveta
je moglo biti nase
Sad sedim i gledam
Ovde se dlanovi spojiti nece Tako lako polako je sve uzeti
A tako tesko, tesko je s tim ziveti A sta ako ti i ja... Svo vreme ovog sveta
Oduvek je bilo uz nas
Van Gogh - What if? (Английский перевод)
All the time of this world
could be ours
Now I'm sitting and watching
the day wakes up
in its beauty
No, I am not sad
Sometimes the face is like that
while I'm sitting and waiting You to tell me
I'm leaving.
What if I whisper some words to You now
that You never heard beforeVan Gogh - Sta ako? -
that wake You up and remember
Sometimes we may whisper the words
that never spoke before.
Let sleep now
May be I find You in dream
All the time of this world
could be ours
Now I'm sitting and watching
The palms will not merge in here
So easy was take all slowly
and so heavy, heavy to leave with that
And what if You and me...
All the time of this world
always was with us