
Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb перевод на Английский

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Vama - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb

De dimineata doar intr-un tricou apari
Somnoroasa, am facut eu ceai
Ce fericire, numai pentru mine esti
Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb
Inca 5 minute sa ne cuibarim Am ras aseara cand goala ai iesit din dus
Si ti-ai pus tricoul alb
Urma sa facem dragoste si n-avea rost sa-l imbraci
Dar asa esti tu..
Inca un minut sa ne cuibarim..
Apoi, in lume o sa iesi si devii femeie Pana diseara tricoul alb mi-anesteziaza pielea uscata in lipsa taVama - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb -
Ma duc la munca, sunt un ciudat
Care in pauza de pranz vorbeste cu un tricou
Si paralilez la gandul ca as fi putut sa nu te am, oh, Doamne..
As vrea sa-nvat sa daruiesc la fel de mult cat te iubesc, oh, Doamne
Cat te iubesc.. Ajungi acasa si ma astepti, esti adevarata
A fost o vreme cand nu mai credeam ca iubirea e altceva decat pretext pentr-un roman
Acum zambesc, nu pot sa cred, iubirea face dus si eu intins astept..
Zambesc ca prostul, astepta sa iasa
Sa-si puna boxeri si trïcoul alb

Английский перевод

Vama - The Girl With Boxers And White T-Shirt (Английский перевод)

Morning you're showing up only in a shirt
You're sleepy, I made tea
Such a happiness, you are just for me
The girl with boxers and the white T-shirt
5 more minutes let's cuddle...

I laughed last night, when you got out of the shower naked
And put on the white T-shirt
We were going to make love and it was pointless
But this is the way you are...
One more minute let's cuddle..
Then you're gonna go out and become a woman

Untill tonight the white T-shirt will numb my dry skin during your absenceVama - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb -
I'm going to work, I'm a freak
Who talks to a T-shirt in the lunch break
And I paralise thinking that I could have never had you, oh God..
I'd like to learn to give as much as I love you, oh God
How much I love you..

You're coming home and you're waiting for me, you are real
There was a time when I didn't believe anymore that love ws something else than an excuse for a novel
Now I'm smiling, I can't believe, (my) love is showering and I'm waiting
I'm smiling like a fool, I'm waiting for her to come
And put on boxers and the white T-shirt..

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