Vama Veche
Vama Veche

VST перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Vama Veche - VST

Vreau sa ma trezesc din somn
Intr-un pat de femeie frumoasa
Sa miroasa a mar si-a zori
Si a tot ce-i mai bun intr-o casa
Sa-mi sopteasca:"Vrei un ceai?"
Eu sa-i spun "Te iubesc!" Ref:
E oare cineva
Care sa-mi poata da
Asa ceva macar de ziua mea?
Fetelor n-ati putea
Sa m-ajutati cumva
Sa pot sa strig si eu: "Uite-o, e ea!" Sa iesim in soare afara
Si sa mergem la piata impreuna
Ea sa ceara un kil de mere
Eu s-o tin nebuneste de-o mana
S-avem bani noi amandoiVama Veche - VST -
Dar sa plateasca ea. Ref: Si cand merg peste 80
Sa-mi spuna: "Te rog mai incet!"
Sa strige: "Imi place, zau, dar ai
Grija te rog de carnet!"
Eu sa pun o frana brusca
Si sa ne sarutam... Ref: Martea cand sunt mort de beat,
Sa ma duca usor pan' la pat
Si apoi sa ma dezbrace
Eu sa strig; "Asta chiar ca imi place!"
Sa se supere nitel:
"Astazi nu esti al meu!" Ref: Si atunci cand ne certam
Cand eu urlu si ea e furioasa
Sa imi strige "Vreau copiii!!!"
Si sa fie cu mult mai frumoasa
Eu sa nu stiu ce sa spun
Si s-o intreb: "Ne casatorim?"

Английский перевод

Vama Veche - VST (Английский перевод)

I want to wake up from my sleep
In a beautiful woman's bed
Where it smells like apples and morning
And like all that's best in a home
Her to whisper: "Do you want some tea?"
And me to tell her "I love you!"

Is there anybody
That could give me
Something like that at least for my birthday?
Girls couldn't you
Help me in any way
So I could cry out lout: "There she is!"

To go out in the sun
And go to the market together
Her to ask for some apples
Me to hold her hand like a fool
Both of us to have moneyVama Veche - VST -
But her to pay


And when I'm driving over 80 (km/h)
Her to tell me: "Please slow down"
To scream: "I love it really, but
Please be careful for your driver's license!"
Me to stop suddenly
And the kiss...


On Tuesdays when I very drunk
To carry me on to my bed
And then undress me
Me to shout: "This I really like!"
Her to get a little mad:
"Today you're not mine!"


And when we fight
When I scream and she is angry
Her to yell at me "I want kids!!!"
And to be more beautiful than ever
Me not to know what I should say
And ask her: "Do you want to marry me?"

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