Vama Veche
Vama Veche

Romania is my country перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Vama Veche - Romania is my country

Metrou 1996, '97, '98, '99 si asa mai departe... Atentie se-nchid usile
Urmeaza statia Eroii Revolutiei
Cu peronul pe partea dreapta.
Ma scol dimineata, ma duc la metrou.
Voi stiti ce-i acolo, nimic nu e nou.
Copii viseaza ca au un palat,
Metrou-i dezvata mereu de visat.
Si astfel copilul mahmur si matur
Renunta la vise si devine dur.
De ochii lui negrii ti-e frica sa fugi,
Iar el jinduieste la geaca de blugi. Ref:
And I say Romania is my country
And I say Romania is my country Acum copilu-are geaca de blugi,
Dar pan la Hollywood tot n-ai cum s-ajungi.Vama Veche - Romania is my country -
Palatu-i departe iar banii-s putini,
Dar mai aproape e sticla de vin.
Trec anii si geaca de blugi s-a uzat,
Iar el din copil devine barbat.
Dar banii-s din ce in ce mai putini,
Iar asta-i rachiu, asta nu este vin.
Ref. Mai trec ani si el iese de la metrou,
La stop e o gagica cu un BMW nou.
Dar cantecul asta n-are happy-end,
BMW-ul dispare, baiatu-i dement.
Apoi intr-o zi asteptand pe peron
O mama il vede c-o sticla de rom.
Tu, Radule, mama, asa n-ai s-ajungi...
Dar Radu vazuse geaca de blugi! Ref.

Английский перевод

Vama Veche - Romania is my country (Английский перевод)

The subway 1996, 97,98,99 and so on.....

Attention,the doors are clossing
The next station is The revolution's hero
With the platform in the right side
I wake up in the morning,I go to the subway
You all know what's there,Nothing is new
The children dream that they have a palace
The subway always learns them how not to dream
And like this,the full-grown and drunk child
Gives up dreaming and becomes a tough person
You're scared of his black eyes
And he's looking at the jeans coat

And I say Romania is my country
And I say Romania is my country

Now,the chid has a jeans coat
But you can't reack over HollywoodVama Veche - Romania is my country -
The palace is so far and so less money
But the buttle of wine is closer
The years pass and the jeans coat is warn now
And he,from a child becomes a man
Only the money are getting fewer and fewer
And this is brandy,this isn't wine

Some years pass againg and finally he gets out of the subway
At the traffic light a chik is driving a new BMW
But this song doesn't have an happy end
The BMW is getting away ,the boy is demented
And then,one day,waiting on the platform
A mother sees him with a buttle of rum
You,Radu darling,you won't get anywhere like this
But Radu had seen the jeans coat!


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