Valy - Setareh
Setara (3x) Setara (3x) Setara jan setara, Delem aroom nadara
Koja rafti ze peshem, Delem meile to dara
Akh setara, Ai setara, Delem aroom nadaraValy - Setareh -
Koja rafti ze pesham, Delem meile to dara,
Akh delem meile to dara Labe darya neshastam, Tak-o tanha neshastam, Be omide ke ayee, Be peshe man dobareh,
Setareh yare mahi, Del-o del dareh mahi, Be shab-haye jodayee, To tanha yare mahi (2x)
Valy - Star (Английский перевод)
Star (3x)
Star (3x)
Star, dear star, my heart is restless
Where did you go (away from me), my heart (I ) wants you
akh Star, Ai Star, my heart is restlessValy - Setareh -
Where did you go (away from me), my heart wants you
akh my heart needs you
I sat near the ocean, I sat alone, hoping that you show up, to come back to me again
Star you are the best friend, you are the best love, in the nights that I don't have anyone, You are my best friend (2x)