U-ka Saegusa In Db - Itsumo Kokoro ni Taiyou wo
どうして 昨日までは
あんなに 仲良しだったのに
こんな風に なるなんて
想像もしてなかったよ 気持ちは雲に覆われ
雨に変わって 降って来た
グズグズしてる 場合じゃないけど
恋愛が一番苦手かも いつも心に太陽を
どんな未来になるか わからないけど
多分 なんとかなるよ 今日は 他の誰にもU-ka Saegusa In Db - Itsumo Kokoro ni Taiyou wo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/u-ka-saegusa-in-db/itsumo-kokoro-ni-taiyou-wo-lyrics-english-translation.html
会いたくない 気分なの
誰だって 心のどこかで
居場所がないって感じてる 私だけは特別と
自分の事も ちゃんとでいないのに
人に頼ってばかりだね いつも心に太陽を
大丈夫 時間つぶすのだけは 得意なの
あなたがいない ただそれだけなのに
でも いつも心に太陽を
U-ka Saegusa In Db - The Sun is Always in My Heart (Английский перевод)
What happened?
Yesterday we were so close
I never could have imagined
That things would become like this
Our feelings were covered by clouds
And rain started to fall
This isn't the time to be complaining
But love might be the thing I'm least suited for
The sun is always in my heart
The only thing I have a lot of is time
I don't know what the future will bring
But, I think I'll make it through
TodayU-ka Saegusa In Db - Itsumo Kokoro ni Taiyou wo - http://ru.motolyrics.com/u-ka-saegusa-in-db/itsumo-kokoro-ni-taiyou-wo-lyrics-english-translation.html
I don't feel like seeing anyone
Somwhere in their heart, everyone feels that
They don't have a place where they belong
I want to believe
That I'm the only one that's special
Even though I can't do anything by myself
And am always relying on others
The sun is always in my heart
It's fine, the only thing I'm good at is wasting time
You're no longer here, even though that's the only thing that changed
The world is so different
But, the sun is always in my heart