Tose Proeski - Ostala si uvijek ista
Odavno vec nisam mislio o tebi
medju nama dani i godine stoje
nikada te vise pronasao ne bi
da se jucer nismo vidjeli nas dvoje Stigao sam kasno stajao na cesti
i slucajno tebe ugledao tada
ni slutili nismo da cemo se sresti
pod svjetlima ovog bezimenog grada Pricas mi o svemu hodamo polako
odavno se nismo isplakali tako Ref.
Ostala si uvijek istaTose Proeski - Ostala si uvijek ista -
i ove suze na licu tvom
ostala si uvijek ista
jedina zena na putu mom
ostala si uvijek ista Stigao sam kasno stajao na cesti
i slucajno tebe ugledao tada
ni slutili nismo da cemo se sresti
pod svjetlima ovog bezimenog grada Pricas mi o svemu hodamo polako
odavno se nismo isplakali tako Ref. 2x
Tose Proeski - You remained always the same (Английский перевод)
I haven't thought of you
for long
between us days
and years are standing
and I would have never
meet you again
if we didn't see
each other yesterday
I arrived late
stayed on the road
and suddenly
saw youTose Proeski - Ostala si uvijek ista -
we didn't even sense that we would meet
under the lights of
this nameless city
You are telling me about everything
we are walking slowly
since long time we haven't
cried like that
you remained always the same
and these tears on your face
you remained always the same
the only woman on my way
you remained always the same