Toofan - Sedam Milarze
((p:hanooz sedam milarze vaghti esmeto miaram P:saramo vaghti ke nisti roo shooneye ki bezaram P:khaterate khoobe dirooz, ghame tanhaiye farda P:joz ye mosht akse ghadimi,to begoo chi moonde az ma p:hanooz sedam milarze vaghti esmeto miaram P:saramo vaghti ke nisti roo shooneye ki bezaram P:geryehaye akhare to,khoob midoonam ke doorooghe P:boro ke khorshide eshghet tooye dastaye ghooroobe P:nemikham baa man bemooni,faghat az rooye ye adat P:man dige bar nemigardam ,ey gharibe be salamat ((p:hanooz sedam milarze vaghti esmeto miaram P:saramo vaghti ke nisti roo shooneye ki bezaram P:khaterate khoobe dirooz, ghame tanhaiye farda P:joz ye mosht akse ghadimi,to begoo chi moonde az maToofan - Sedam Milarze -
Toofan - Sedam Milarze (Английский перевод)
E:I still am nervous when I call your name
E:when you are not by my side ,I put my head on whoelse's shoulder?
E:good memories of past,loneliness sorrows of future
E:except a bunch of old photos ,we have nothing left ))
E:I still am nervous when I call your name
E:when you are not by my side ,I put my head on whoelse's shoulder?
E:I know your last tears where just a mere lie
E:leave me,but I know your sun of love(love) is near to sundown
E:I don't need you to stay by my side,If your love is just a habit
E:I wont come back again,goodbye
E:I still am nervous when I call your name
E:when you are not by my side ,I put my head on whoelse's shoulder?
E:good memories of past,loneliness sorrows of future
E:except a bunch of old photos ,we have nothing left ))
Toofan - Sedam Milarze -