Tony Kewan - 3ala Dal3ouna
Ra7o el7bayab ma wada3ouna W 3ala dal3ouna w 3ala dal3ounaTony Kewan - 3ala Dal3ouna -
May Allah forgive them, how they've tortured us W 3ala dal3ouna wil galb dayeb 3ali nesyouna w kilna 2arayeb Ya teyr el tayer sawdel 7abayeb Salemli 3ali keno y7bouna Mitlek ma bla2i bil dinye killa W mitl jamalek ma khala2 Allah W n7na law badna bnat hayallah Kinna jame3na meet million Kanet za3laneh kanet za3laneh W lama 7keita janbel dekaneh W 2alet ya Tony dahklak fez3aani Law te3ref ini bjen ejnouna Zayeno sa7a wil sa7a leena Laylet el sa7a jeena nzayena Shayalou darbi w ana naterhom rebyet el ghorbe b anaterhom 3ali b albi ballah khaberhom ya hawal gharbi w dem sawtina Allah allah ya trab 3an toura ya melf el ghaym w stou7 el 3ein Sitteh mn faw2 law fiyye zoura ra7et 3al 3eed wil 3eed b3eed Beitak hel layl wil layl ghiniye w stou7 el ghaym wil zeene faw2 Ya 7abibi la te3tab 3aliyye jayebni sawbak tayer el shaw2 Ra7et mawa3eed Rj3et mawa3eed Baddee m7soubak ya 7abibi w nater lel 3eed 3al 3ein molaytein w tna3esh molaya Jesr el 7deed engata3 mndous rejlaya Domeit tayl el7ajal mn wadi le wadi w 3adeet njoum el sema zawjein w fragi Rabee bjah el nabi la tkhaber el wadi sawi jnoudi jesr w 3aber l2ebnaya Wil besa7a tla2ayna bil sa7a 3alayha joz 3youn shu daba7a W 2ami yekhzel 3ein wil khaddeini W tofa7a btghar mn tofa7a Lamouni el3ezal wil 7abayeb Jafouni elkhelan wil garayeb 2eltela ya bent albi daayeb 2alet ma behwak bsara7a W khadra ya bladi khadra rez2et fawaar Ma7rous eb 3ein el 2odra tb2a hel dar Awel malshams btlou3 3alayna btell btkhali el layli mn jmou3a anwar et-hel W bjnayena el mazrou3a yasmina w fel tefleh tefleh dalou3a ys2ou azhar Ya Allah tb2a hel dar Ta3ala el mami 3al mami Gatalni w 3awed radaani W ana b7bak ya asmar n3esht w rabbee khalaani Sayajna Lebnan w 3alayna syajou W hel beit el 3amran sha3sha3 nsrajou W ma 3ad fi ghaymi bel jaw Ra7 el 3atmeh w tull el daw Wil ba7r li ken killo naw Ra2 w ghannet amwaajou Yaba yaba ya bayy yaba yabayy yaba ohhhh ohhh
Tony Kewan - 3ala Dal3ouna (Английский перевод)
The lovers left us without saying good bye
Allah ysam7on shu 3azabouna
And to be spoiled with our sincere hearts
To the family who have forgotten us
Oh, bird flying over the loved ones
Say hello to the ones that used to care for us
I won't find one like you in this entire word
God has not created anything as beautiful as you
And if we want any old girl
We can gather millions
She was upset, she was upset
And when I talked to her next to the mini-mart
And she said, hey Tony, you scared me
If she knew how I could drive her crazy
They lit up the place and this place is for us
And tonight we will decorate the place
They carried my worries as I waited for them
May the winds blowing south give you the news of what's in my heart
Oh my oh my the sand under her feet and the clouds coming over our heads
My grandmother is a distance away if I can visit her, She left on the holidays and the holidays are a long way off
This is your place tonight and tonight we sing under the wedding decorations
My darling, don't be upset with me, passion pulled me towards you
Plans were lost
Plans were made
I want , my darling, and I'll wait you on the holidays
By the well there are two girls and twelve girls
The metal bridge has cut off from the stomping of my legs
I hugged the beautiful girls from valley to valley and counted the stars in the sky above the couples while by myself
Please don't tell the valley and make me into a bridge for my love to cross
And outside, I found you outside
She has a pair of eyes that can kill
She's gorgeous and so are her cheeks
One apple is jealous from the other
The bachelors are blaming me
And my uncles and cousins have cut me off
I'll told her, girl my heart is melting
She said, honestly, I don't love you
And green, my country is green and full
Secure is our house thanks to God
When the sunrises it's brilliant colors fade away the night
And in our gardens we plant jasmines as the kids play and water the flowers
Oh Lord, let it be our place
Come to mama come on
He beat me, but made it up to me later
And I'll love you for as long as God keeps me here
We beautified Lebanon and made it more beautiful than before
And the big houses are still up and happy
And there are no longer clouds
The darkness has left and the light has shined through
And the smooth ocean's breeze
Is peaceful and it's waves are singing
(This has no real meaning here)
Tony Kewan - 3ala Dal3ouna -