Tokio Hotel - Black
The world has broken down
Every stones been turned around
We feel no fear at all
Not at all
We dont know whats to come
Our beginning had already begun
And now we have to run
Come on
The last look back is black
The night turns dark ahead
When theres no turning back
Were glad
So glad
No turning back
No turning back
Where have you gone?
You made us feel so strong
You lost us and now we are
Its dark despite the light
Tomorrows not in sight
And we were born to go
On and on
The last look back is blackTokio Hotel - Black -
The night turns dark ahead
When theres no turning back
Were glad
So glad
No turning back
No turning back
Let us run and dont look back
We leave behind a burning track
Let us run and dont look back
We leave behind a burning track
Come on
Come on
The last look back is black
The night turns dark ahead
When theres no turning back
Were glad
So glad
The last looks back is black
The night turns dark ahead
Theres no turning back
Were glad
So glad
No turning back
No turnïng back
Tokio Hotel - Negru (Румынский перевод)
Lumea a fost distrusa
Fiecare piatra a fost intoarsa
Nu simtim frica deloc
Nu stim ce va veni
Inceputul nostru deja a inceput
Si acum trebuie sa fugim
Ultima privire in spate e neagra
Noaptea se sting inainte
Atunci cand nu este cale de intoarcere
Suntem bucurosi
Foarte bucurosi
Nici-o cale de intoarcere
Nici-o cale de intoarcere
Unde ai plecat?
Ne faceai sa fim atat de puternici
Ne-ai pierdut si noi acum suntem
E intuneric in ciuda lumini
Maine nu e in vedere
Si noi am fost nascuti sa mergem
In continuare
Ultima privire in spate e neagra
Noaptea se stinge inainteTokio Hotel - Black -
Atunci cand nu este cale de intoarcere
Suntem bucurosi
Foarte bucurosi
Nici-o cale de intoarcere
Nici-o cale de intoarcere
Lasa-ne sa fugim si nu te uita inapoi
Lasam in urma un drum arzand
Lasa-ne sa fugim si nu te uita inapoi
Lasam in urma un drum arzand
Ultima privire in spate e neagra
Noaptea se stinge inainte
Atunci cand nu este cale de intoarcere
Suntem bucurosi
Foarte bucurosi
Ultima privire in spate e neagra
Noaptea se stinge inainte
Nu e cale de intoarcere
Suntem bucurosi
Foarte bucurosi
Nici-o cale de intoarcere
Nici-o cale de intoarcere