Todd Agnew - Grace Like Rain
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
And I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see so clearly
And Hallelujah, grace like rain
Falls down on me
And Hallelujah and all my stains
Are washed away, they're washed away
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
And Hallelujah, grace like rain
Falls down on me
And Hallelujah and all my stains
Are washed away, they're washed away
Todd Agnew - Grace Like Rain -
When we've been there, ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing Your praise
Than when we first begun
And Hallelujah, grace like rain
Falls down on me
And Hallelujah and all my stains
Are washed away
And Hallelujah, grace like rain
Falls down on me
And Hallelujah and all my stains
Are washed away, they're washed away
And Hallelujah
And Hallelujah
And Hallelujah
And Hallelujah all my stains
Are washed away, they're washed away
Todd Agnew - Milost kao kiša (Хорватский перевод)
Predivna milost, kako sladak zvuk
Koji je spasio nesretnika poput mene
Jednom bijah izgubljen, ali sad sam pronađen
Bijah slijep, ali sad jasno vidim
Aleluja, milost kao kiša pada po meni
Aleluja, sve moje mrlje su isprane, sve su isprane
Milost je naučila moje srce da se boji
I oslobodila je moje strahoveTodd Agnew - Grace Like Rain -
Kako se ta dragocjena milost pojavila
U satu kad sam povjerovao
Otkad bijasmo ovdje, deset tisuća godina
Sjali smo žarko kao sunce
Nije prošao dan da Ti nismo pjevali Hvalu
Otkad smo prvi put počeli
Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja
Aleluja, sve moje mrlje su isprane, sve su isprane