Tina Vukov - Tata
Nije isto kao prije
od kada ovdje nema te
sad mogu vani ostati do jutra
mamu to ne brine Ona ima novog decka
trazi srecu kao svi
ponekad ih cujem kroz zidove sobe
kako bih htjela pobjeci Ref.
Daleko, negdje stvarno daleko
kad bi barem mogla to, kao i ti
otici daleko, bilo gdje, svejedno
kad bih barem mogla to, kao i ti, otici Kazu ona ne izgledaTina Vukov - Tata - http://ru.motolyrics.com/tina-vukov/tata-lyrics-english-translation.html
od mene puno starija
kad je upoznam, poklonit cu joj
mog' malog plisanog medvjeda Kako tvoje srce, tata
ja sam dobro, ne brini
vec je kasno, idem u krevet
a sutra, sutra cu pobjeci Daleko, negdje stvarno daleko
kad bi barem mogla to, kao i ti
otici tamo gdje je lako
gdje je moguce biti neko drugi, zaboravit' sve
daleko, stvarno daleko
kad bi bar mogla to, kao i ti, otici
Tina Vukov - Father (Английский перевод)
It's not the same as before
Since you're not here
Now I can stay out untill the morning
Mom doesn't worry
She has a new boyfriend
She seeks for happiness, like everyone else
Sometimes I hear them through the walls of the room
How I would like to run away
Far away, somewhere really far away
If I could at least do that, just like you did
Go far away, wherever, it's all the same
If I could at least do that, just like you did, leave
They say that she doesn't lookTina Vukov - Tata - http://ru.motolyrics.com/tina-vukov/tata-lyrics-english-translation.html
That much older than me
When I meet her, I'll give her
My little plush bear
How's your heart, father
I'm good, don't you worry
It's already late, I'm going to bed
But tomorrow, tomorrow I will run away
Far away, somewhere really far away
If I could at least do that, just like you did
Go there where it's easier
Where it's possible to be someone else, to forget everything
Far away, really far away
If I could at least do that, just like you did, leave