Thompson - Necu izdat ja
Kao stjena sto se ne da
zegama, divljim olujama
i ja nikad ne dam se
kroz stvarnost lutam Zivot moj je poput hladne rijeke
beskrajan i vijuga se
iz nekog razloga neznana
negdje ipak prestaje Nisam sudac, a ni mudrac
tesko nosim to kamenje
to breme sjecanjaThompson - Necu izdat ja -
na svojim ledjima Gdje god dodjem, kud god prodjem
vec je netko odlucio
u ime onoga sto nas je stvorio
a nije se borio Refren
Necu izdat' ja Boga nikada
necu gasit' sunce koje s neba sja
necu zbog tebe rukom na sebe
jer ti me volis i ti se molis za mene
Thompson - I Wont Betray (Английский перевод)
As a rock that doesn't give up
through wild heats and storms
I also don't give up
to wander through reality
My life is as cold river
endless and moving
for some unknown reason
somewhere it's stopping
I'm not jugde, nor wise man
I hardly bear these rocks
this burden of memoriesThompson - Necu izdat ja -
on my back
Wherever I come, wherever I pass
Somebody has already decided
in the name of the one that created us
and that has never fought
I won't ever betray God
I won't extinguish the sun from the sky
I won't kill myself cos of you
because you love me and you pray for me