Theatres Des Vampires - Anno Dracula
Here occurs the shocking and frightening history, of the one Prince Dracula:
"I impaled people most of them, boiled their heads in a kettle, I skinned them alive and hacked them to pieces then drank their blood..."Theatres Des Vampires - Anno Dracula -
Yeah... Dracul... The blood is the life...!
Theatres Des Vampires - Anno Drakula (Сербский перевод)
Ovde se javlja šokantna i zastrašujuća istorija o princu Drakuli:
"Nabijao sam ljude na kolac, većinu, kuvao im glave u kazanu, drao sam ih žive i seckao ih na komadiće, a zatim pio njihovu krv..."Theatres Des Vampires - Anno Dracula -
Da... Drakul... Krv je život...!