Tereza Kesovija - Stari Pjer
Još kada je bio mlad, rat mu je odneo sve,
i ženu i djecu, i topli dom.
Ostao je sam, i zaboravio je na prošlost
jer Pjer i više nije bio Pjer. Sad luta sam taj stari Pjer,
da svaki dan i svaku noć.
(2x) Pjeru je ipak ostalo nešto,
i mnogi su imali priliku, da ga vide,
kako svira na usnu harmoniku.
On oduvjek svira za jedan groš,Tereza Kesovija - Stari Pjer - http://ru.motolyrics.com/tereza-kesovija/stari-pjer-lyrics-english-translation.html
a ljudi se u strahu pitaju,
dali će jednog dana i čitav orkestar biti tu. REF x2
I svira Pjer, da svira još,
taj stari Pjer, za jedan groš. Kažu, da jih danas ima mnogu kao što je Pjer,
a mnogi su imali priliku, da ih vide,
kako bez cilja lutaju.
Daleko od stvarnosti oni su tako sami,
a ljudi se u strahu pitaju,
dali če jednog danai čitav svijet ostati sam. Ref. x2
Tereza Kesovija - Old Pierre (Английский перевод)
When he was young, the war had taken away all from him:
his wife and children and the warmth of his hearth.
He was left all alone and he has forgotten his own past
'cause Pierre was not Pierre anymore.
Now he wanders alone, old Pierre,
all days and all nights.
Something still remains to Pierre,
and many people had the opportunity to see
him playing the harmonica.
He has long been playing for a dime,Tereza Kesovija - Stari Pjer - http://ru.motolyrics.com/tereza-kesovija/stari-pjer-lyrics-english-translation.html
and people in fear asking themselves:
Will a whole orchestra appear here some day ?
And old Pierre plays, still plays,
that old Pierre plays for a dime.
They say there're a lot of them now, such as old Pierre,
and many people had the opportunity to see them
wandering aimlessly.
They are far from reality and so lonely,
and people in fear asking themselves:
Will all the world become so alone some day ?