Taxi - Jumatatea Mea...
Reiau acum povestea aia veche cu sufletul pereche
Se zice ca fiecare are undeva, undeva in lumea asta,
Jumatatea sa.
Eu, deocamdata, imi impart singuratatea-n doua:
Iau eu jumatate si jumatate imi las mie.
Ce bine o sa-mi fie, deocamdata.
Da' stiu c-odata si-odata trebuie sa te gasesc.
Recunosc, n-am puterea sa te recunosc.
Jumatatea mea, cantecul asta-i pentru tine,
Asculta-l bine si cauta-ma tu...
Cand voi veni, inseamna ca m-ai chemat
Cand te voi auzi, inseamna ca m-ai strigat,
Cand voi fi, inseamna ca m-ai dorit,Taxi - Jumatatea Mea... -
Cand te voi gasi, inseamna ca m-ai cautat.
Cauta-ma tu ...
Si daca e asa si cred ca e asa
Inseamna ca pan' acum, jumatatea mea,
Am trait pe jumatate, am visat pe jumatate
Si am pierdut o jumatate din viata fara sa-mi dau seama.
Crezi ca-i simpla drama, gandeste-te,
In definitiv e si a ta.
Recunosc, n-am puterea sa te recunosc.
Jumatatea mea, cantecul asta-i pentru tine,
Asculta-l bine si cauta-ma tu...
Nu prea merg pe la prieteni vechi
Sa-ntreb ce sa fac.
Stiu ca nu pot sa imi spuna nimic
Si atunci astept sa vina totul de la tine.
Taxi - My half (Английский перевод)
I now take up that old story with the pair heart
They say that everybody has, somewhere, somewhere in this world
Their half
I, for now, I divide my lonliness in two
I take half and I let half for me
How well it's gonna be for me, for now
But I know that once and forever I will find you
I admit, I don't have the strenght to recognize you
My half, this song is for you
Listen to it well and you search for me
When I come, it means that you asked for me
When I hear you, it means that you called me out
When I am, it means that you wanted meTaxi - Jumatatea Mea... -
When I find you, it means that you searched for me
You search for me
And if it's like this and I believe it is like this
It mean that till now, my half
I've lived on half, I've dreamed on half
And i've lost half of my life without realising it
You think the drama is easy, think about it
Ultimately, it is your too
I admit, I don't have the strenght to recognize you
My half, this song is for you
Listen to it well and you search for me
I don't quite go to old friends
To ask them how they're doing
I know they can't tell me anything
And then I wait for everything to come from you