Svjata Vatra - Revolutsioon
Ma tean üht meest üle suure vee
Kelle lugu ma jutustan
Ta tahtis minna üle kolme maa
Mille taga ta vabaks saab Ta astus õue pimedal ööl
Kui aeg oli küpseks saanud
Jalad murul süda rinnas
Oma teed tema teretas Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase hingel hingata Esimene maa oli mättaid täis
Nende taha ta koperdas
Mineviku hõng ja hingus
Teda maha materdas Üles astuda murede mäest
Kui tuul on veel vastu ka
Pole lihtne, kui liialt mõelda
Ta sihti ei unustand Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase hingel hingata Teine maa oli joonitudSvjata Vatra - Revolutsioon -
Ja juppideks jaotatud
Kullast hambaga sihverplaat
Ainust aega kuulutas Välimine pind ja ühine joon
Teda hakkasid käänama
Ta nägi läbi, ta kõndis mööda
See maa teda muuta ei saand Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase hingel hingata No mis head seal on kui väsinud meel
Ja vägi hakkab raugema
Üle ootuste tuldud kuid teadmatu ees
Tahe lihtsalt seisatas Unes võib rännata lõpu teil
Kuid ükskord peab ärkama
Ta leidis laulu, ta leidis enda
Kolm maad olid üheks saand Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon
Lase hingel hingata
Svjata Vatra - Revolution (Английский перевод)
I know a man behind the great waters
Whose story I'm about to tell
He wanted to go through three lands
Behind them he'd find freedom
He stepped outside on a dark night
When the right time had come
With feet on the grass and heart in his chest
He greeted his path
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your heart speak
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your soul breathe
The first land was covered in sods
Behind which he bogged down
The scent and breath of his past
Were beating him down
To walk over the mountain of worries
When the wind is blowing against you
Isn't easy, if you think too much
He never forgot his goal
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your heart speak
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your soul breathe
The second land was linedSvjata Vatra - Revolutsioon -
Anddivided into pieces
A golden namesign
Was wasting the only time
The outer surface and shared line
Started to bend him
He saw it through and walked right past
This land could not change him
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your heart speak
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your soul breathe
What good will it do when your mind is tired
And your might is about to run out
You've come farther than expected but unknown is still ahead
Your will just stopped and stood still
In dreams you can travel on the roads of end
But at some time you have to wake
He found a song, he found himself
The three lands had become one.
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your heart speak
In everyones soul there's a revolution
Let your soul breathe