Альбомы и тексты песен SUX
Прочие тексты песен
- a fist full of gutar picks
- captain decibel
- duct tape
- everybody’s fault but mine
- how i spent my vacation
- if god played punk rock, hed want to join sux
- i’m not an asshole, i’m misunderstood
- king kong went to hong kong to play ping pong with his ding
- king kong went to hong kong to play ping pong with his ding dong
- lazy is what i call someone with more ambition than me
- lyric lab
- magic fairy poof dust
- the dreaded rear admiral
- the greatest band to ever walk the face of the earth
- the greatest song ever written
- the song we play after the break
- the song we play before the break
- when good ideas for songs go bad
- willy the car