Suicidal - Riječi iskrene
Još uvijek nadam se da bit će bolje, vjerujem...
samo pusti me da živim i radim po svom
jer znaš da buraz samo vjerujem u to...
Još uvijek nadam se da istina tu negdje je...
u srcu, u grudima, u duši, u ljudima,
u mojim šakama, zubima, ovo moja je sudbina. Dobrodošo u svijet šta jako malo pruža,
stani u taj red jer je prevelika gužva,
svi traže sebe, puno ih se predalo,
a istinu im jedino može reć ogledalo,
ko će sjebat koga, prvo svako svoga,
a tebe zovu pičkom ako iznad si toga,
moral je nesto, tu su alkohol i droga,
al ne vjerujem kad kažu da više nema Boga,
da krivim za sranja, stanje i moć novca,
kad trebam kupit kruh s deset praznih boca,
žalosno je to što dobro prolaze zmije,
sjeban s 18 sada znam s 22,
postao sam umoran od svih lažnih smješaka,
sam stojim iza uspjeha i grešaka,
licemjeri pričaju šta bilo bi mi najbolje,
ispričavam se svima, meni već kasno je... Ref:
Još uvijek nadam se da bit će bolje,vjerujem...
samo pusti me da živim i radim po svom
jer znaš da buraz samo vjerujem u to...
Još uvijek nadam se da istina tu negdje je...Suicidal - Riječi iskrene -
u srcu, u grudima, u duši, u ljudima,
u mojim šakama, zubima, ovo moja je sudbina... Svijet je ošo u kurac jer sve je u rasulu,
neko stisnut će gumb, vrijeme vratiti na nulu,
to nas uče kad se rodimo da je napeto i ozbiljno,
bolje da nas uče da razumijemo i volimo,
sve je manje vjere više onog što te ždere,
društvo je govno što obožava profitere,
sa novčanicom na srcu, botoksom u čelu,
ne znam kako vjeruju u Isusa na raspelu
i alaha i budu,
ja u njima vidim Judu
ali đabe im to kad na Božjem sudu budu,
kad ih pita za ratove, za genocid i suze,
za prljavu politiku, sirotinju kad guze,
kad ih pita za laganje i medijsku kontrolu,
propagandu i monopol, lošu hranu na stolu,
kad ih pita za duše koje pojela je droga
i glavno pitanje zašto su se igrali Boga.... Ref:
Još uvijek nadam se da bit će bolje, vjerujem...
samo pusti me da živim i radim po svom
jer znaš da buraz samo vjerujem u to...
Još uvijek nadam se da istina tu negdje je...
u srcu, u grudima, u duši,u ljudima,
u mojim šakama, zubima, ovo moja je sudbina...
Riječi iskrene....
Suicidal - Sincere words (Английский перевод)
I still hope it'll get better, I believe...
just let me live and do it my way
'cause bro' I only believe in that...
I still hope the truth is around here, somewhere...
in the heart, in the chest, in the soul, in humans,
in my fists, teeth, this is my destiny.
Welcome to the world that offers almost nothing,
get in that line 'cause the crowd is too big,
everyone looking for themselves, many gave up,
only a mirror tells them the truth,
who's gonna fuck over who, your closest first,
call you a pussy if you're above that,
moral is something, alcohol and drugs all around,
but I don't believe when they say there's no God
for me to blame for all the shit, situation and might of money,
when I have to buy bread with 10 empty bottles,
it's sad that snakes get by,
fucked up at 18, now I get it at 22,
I grew tired of all the fake smiles,
standing alone behind my success and mistakes,
hypocrites talking about what's best for me,
I apologize to all, it's too late for me.
I still hope it will get better, I believe...
just let me live and do it my way
'cause bro' I only believe in that...Suicidal - Riječi iskrene -
I still hope the truth is around here, somewhere...
in the heart, in the chest, in the soul, in humans,
in my fists, teeth, this is my destiny.
The world went to shit because everything's chaos,
someone will push the button, turn back time to zero,
that's what they teach us when we're born, that it's tense and serious,
better they teach us to perceive and love,
less and less hope, more of what eats you up,
society is shit that worships profiteers,
with money across the heart, botox in the head,
I don't know how they believe in Jesus on the crucifix, and
Allah and Buddha,
I see Judas in them
but that's all jack when they face Gods justice,
when he asks about the wars, genocide and tears,
about dirty politics, screwing over the poor,
when he asks them about the lies and the media control,
propaganda and monopoly, crap food on the table,
when he asks them about the souls devoured by drugs
and the most important question of all, why they played God...
I still hope it will get better, I believe...
just let me live and do it my way
'cause bro' I only believe in that...
I still hope the truth is around here, somewhere...
in the heart, in the chest, in the soul, in humans,
in my fists, teeth, this is my destiny.
Sincere words...