Sud Sound System
Sud Sound System

La Radici Ca Tieni перевод на Английский

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Sud Sound System - La Radici Ca Tieni

Se nu te scierri mai delle radici ca tieni
rispetti puru quiddre delli paisi lontani!
Se nu te scierri mai de du ede ca ieni
dai chiu valore alla cultura ca tieni!
Simu salentini dellu munnu cittadini,
radicati alli messapi cu li greci e bizantini,
uniti intra stu stile osce cu li giammaicani,
dimme mo de du ede ca sta bieni!
Rico Egnu dellu salentu e quannu mpunnu parlu dialettu
e nu mbede filu no Ca l'italianu nu lu sacciu
ca se me mintu cu riflettu parlu lu jamaicanu strittu
perche l'importante e cu sai nu pocu de tuttu
anche se de tuttu a fiate me ne futtu
ma se na cosa me interessa su capace puru me fissu
se ete quiddhru ca oiu fazzu me mintu ddhrai e fazzu cè pozzu
perche addrhu bessere ieu ca decidu te mie stessu
ca la vera cultura è cu sai vivere
cu biessi testu ma sempre sensibile
puru ca la vita ete dura è meiu sai amare
puru quannu te pare ca ete impossibile. Fabio: Me la difendu, la tegnu stritta cullu core
la cultura mia rappresenta quiddru ca é statau e ca ha benire
Intra stu munnu, a du nu tene chiui valore
Ci parla diversu o de diversu ede culure!
Te ne leanu tuttu puru la voglia de amare,
cussi ca tanta gente a pacciu modu stae a regire!
Te ne leanu tuttu puru le ricchie pe sentire,
ci chiange e chiede aiutu pe li torti ca stae a subire
Te ne leanu puru la terra de sutta li piedi,
se cattanu tuttu quiddru a cui tie nci tieni
Me dispiace pe tuttu quiddru ca ne sta gliati
Ma stamu ancoraa quai, de quai nu ne limu mai sciuti! Rit. Nandu: E riu della terra a du nce sempre lu sule
a du la gente cerca umbra ca la po defrescare.
Stae scrittu sulle petre quiddru ca aggiu capire
su parole antiche percé l'uomu nu po cangiare!
Memoria ede cultura e bede quistu ca ole:
recorda ce ha successu cussì pueti capire
lu boia denta vittima puru dopu menz'ura
ma la vittima denta boia se nu tene cultura!
Su ste radici nui stamu ben radicatiSud Sound System - La Radici Ca Tieni -
ni fannu amare populi mai canusciuti
ni scosta de ci medita l'odiu e la guerra
ma de sti criminali la mente mia nu se scerra! Treble: Difendila!
whenever you can diffend her
it's your land, love her and diffend her
return now, diffend her
whenever you can diffend her
it's your land, love her and diffend her!From whom?
From whom wants to speculate and bribe, diffend her
from who wants to take advantage of the ignorance, diffend her
from whom wants to sell our art, diffend her
from who doesn't want to evolve,diffend her
for the one that doesn't have any hope anymore, diffend her
for whom has remained without any forces, diffend her
For who cannot but believes, diffend her
for who cannot follow us,diffend her Rico: Egnu de lu salentu e quannu mpunnu parlu dialettu
e nu bete pecce ca l'Italianu nullu sacciu
ca se buenu me recordu do parole de woolof africanu
chep gen è lu risu cullu pisce ca se mangia culle manu
e "mu nu mu cu bbai" vuol dire nun ne pozzu fare a menu
e "man gi dem man gi dem" vuol dire sciamu moi sciamu
a du ete ca uei basta ca rispettu purtamu
e ca ne facimu rispettare pe quiddhri ca simu
ca la cultura vera è cu sai itere
la realtà pe quiddhra ca ete sia ca è facile sia ca è difficile
la vera cultura è cu sai capire
ci tene veramente besegnu ci ete lu chiu debole Fabio: Me la difendu, la tegnu stritta cullu core
quista e' la poesia ca crea sta terra cull'amore.
Quiddra ca muti, tenenu modu te sentire
grazie a ci la porta in giru oci a quai la po saggiare. Nandu: E riu della terra a du nce sempre lu sule
e alla gente ca ria nci pensa sempre lu mare!
A quai stae scrittu sulle petre ce aggiu capire
cercu cu te le spiegu, perché nu ta scerrare! Treble: Difendila!
Quannu poi difendila!
E' la terra toa, amala e difendila!
Ntorna moi, difendila!
Quannu poi difendila!
E' la terra toa, amala e difendila!

Английский перевод

Sud Sound System - La Radici Ca Tieni (Английский перевод)

if you never forget your roots
rispect also those of the foreign countries
If you never forget where you come from
[/b]you give more value to your coulture[/b]
we are from Salento citizens of the world
established in Messapi, with the Greeks and the Bizantines
united in this style today with the Jamaicans
tell me now where are you coming from
Rico Egnu from Salento and when I sing I talk in dialect
and I don't care if I don't know Italian
but when I think I talk strict Jamaican*
because the important thing is to know a little bit of everything
even if I don't give a sh*t about everything
but if I'm interested in something I am stuck on that
if it's something I want to do, I do whatever I can
because I have to be the one that will decide about myself
that the true culture is knowing to live
be tough but always sensible
even if life is hard it's better to know how to love
even when that this is impossible

Fabio:But I diffend her, I hold her tight with the heart
my coulture represents that that has being and that that is to come
in this world, where there are no values anymore
who talks differently and who is of different colour
They take everything away from you, also the desire to love
so many people react in a crazy way
They take everything away from you even the ears to hear
there are those that cry for help for all the mistakes that had to affront
they take away from you also the earth under your feet
they buy everything that you care about
I am really sorry for all the things that you are taking away from us
but we are still here,we will never go awayfrom here

Nando:And I arrive from the land where there is always the sun
and here the people are searching the shade to freshen up
The stonesnarrate the things I have to understand
they are ancient words, because the man cannot change
It's memory and culture we need
remember what happened it's like this that can be understood
the hangman becomes victim even after half an hour
but the victim becomes hangman if it hasn't got coultureSud Sound System - La Radici Ca Tieni -
on these roots we are established for good
that make us love people that we don't know
and drive us away from whom meditates hate or war
of this criminals my mind doesn't forget

Quannu poi difendila!
E' la terra toa, amala e difendila!
Ntorna moi, difendila!
Quannu poi difendila!
E' la terra toa, amala e difendila! De cine?
De ci ole cu specula e corrompe, difendila!
De ci ole sfrutta l'ignoranza, difendila!
De ci ole svende l'arte noscia, difendila!
De ci nu bole crisca ancora, difendila!
Pe ci nu tene chiù speranza, difendila!
Pe ci ha rimastu senza forza, difendila!
Pe ci nu pote ma nci crite, difendila!
Pe ci nu te pote secutare, difendila!

Rico:I come from Salento and when I sing I talk in dialect
and I dont' care if I don't know the Italian
and if I can I remember two words of african woolof
chep gen is the rise that is eaten with the hands
and "mu nu mu cu bbai" means I cannot do without
and "man gi dem man gi dem" means let's go now
and wherever you are it's enough if you show respect
and make others respect us for who we are
because the true coulture is to know to laugh
reality for what it is easy or hard
the true coulture is to know how to understand
who is in need and who is truly weak

Fabio:But I diffend her, I hold her tight with the heart
this is the poetry that this land creates with love
the one that the mute, have the way to listen
thanks to whom takes her around here can taste it

Nando:And I arrive from the land where there is always the sun
and of the people that come always it's the sea that takes care of them
and here whatever I need to understand is witten on the stones
I'm trying to explain it to you, because you mustn't forget it

Diffend her
Whenever you can diffend her
It's your land , love her and diffend her
Return now,diffend her
Whenever you can diffend her
It's your land , love her and diffend her

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