Stratovarius - Keep the Flame Alive
I have walked this lonely road
A thousand Years, it's filled with bitter tears
I have swum across the sea
Just to find I have no home I have been everywhere
I have seen what I should not have seenStratovarius - Keep the Flame Alive -
Still I'm here on this same road
Trying to find where is my home In my heart in my soul
Weariness tears apart
Still i walk on this road but you, my friends...keep the flame alive
Stratovarius - Održavajte Plamen (Сербский перевод)
Hodah ovim napuštenim putem
Hiljadu godina, punih gorkih suza
Plivao sam morem
Da bih saznao da nemam dom
Bivao sam svuda
Video sam što nije trebaloStratovarius - Keep the Flame Alive -
I dalje sam na istom ovom putu
Pokušavam da pronađem dom
U srcu i duši
Umor sve razjeda
I dalje sam na putu ali vi, prijatelji...održavajte plamen