Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart
Under the ruins of a walled city
Crumbling towers and beams of yellow light
No flags of truce, no cries of pity
The siege guns had been pounding all through the night
It took a day to build the city
We walked through its streets in the afternoon
As I returned across the field's I'd known
I recognized the walls that I once made
I had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I'd laid
And if I built this fortress around your heart
Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire
Then let me build a bridge
For I cannot fill the chasm
And let me set the battlements on fire
Then I went off to fight some battle
That I'd invented inside my head
Away so long for years and years
You probably thought or even wished that I was dead
While the armies are all sleeping
Beneath the tattered flag we'd madeSting - Fortress Around Your Heart -
I had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I'd laid
And if I built this fortress around your heart
Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire
Then let me build a bridge
For I cannot fill the chasm
And let me set the battlements on fire
This prison has now become your home
A sentence you seem prepared to pay
It took a day to build the city
We walked through its streets in the afternoon
As I returned across the lands I'd known
I recognized the fields where I'd once played
I had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I'd laid
And if I built this fortress around your heart
Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire
Then let me build a bridge
For I cannot fill the chasm
And let me set the battlements on fire
Sting - Kalbinin etrafındaki kale (Турецкий перевод)
Duvarlı bir şehrin kalıntıları altında
Sarı ışıkların kuleleri ve ışınları ufalanıyor
Ateşkes bayrakları yok, merhamet için ağlayışlar yok
Kuşanan silahlar tüm geceye ateş ediyor
Şehri kurmak bir gün sürdü
Öğlenleyin sokaklarında yürüdük
Ben tanıdığım tarladan geri dönerken
Bir zamanlar yaptığım duvarları tanıdım
Koyduğum mayınların üstünde yürüme
korkusuyla yollarımda durmak zorundaydım
Ve eğer ben bu kaleyi kalbinin etrafına inşa ettiysem
Hendeklerle ve dikenli tellerle kuşatılmışsın
Sonra bir köprü yapmama izin ver
Kanyonu dolduramamam için
Ve ateşteki siperi kurmama izin ver
Sonra savaşı durdurdum, birkaç savaş
Kafamın içinde icat ettiğim
Çok uzun yıllar uzakta ve yıllarSting - Fortress Around Your Heart -
Sen muhtemelen öldüğümü düşündün yada diledin
Tüm ordular uyuyorken
Lime lime ettiğimiz bayrakların altında
Koyduğum mayınların üstünde yürüme
korkusuyla yollarımda durmak zorundaydım
And if I built this fortress around your heart
Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire
Then let me build a bridge
For I cannot fill the chasm
And let me set the battlements on fire
Şimdi bu hapishane senin yuvan oldu
Ödemeye hazırmışsın gibi gözüken bir hüküm
It took a day to build the city
We walked through its streets in the afternoon
As I returned across the lands I'd known
I recognized the fields where I'd once played
I had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I'd laid