Sound Holic - イタズラTODAY ☾ ☀ ☆
かわるがわるの ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
そのかがやき 混ざりあう
だまし絵のように ←・→・↑・↓
イタズラなプレイ 思いがけない思いつきから飛び出したユメで
驚かせたいの 油断してるアナタのこと ワクワク・どきどき・ハラハラ で
アナタを今 抱きしめるの…
そんな罠よ~♪ (※1)
かわるがわるの ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
そのかがやき 混ざりあう
だまし絵のように ←・→・↑・↓
イタズラなプレイ おもいおもいの ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
ほら マブシク照らしあう
ころげ回るよ ←・→・↑・↓Sound Holic - イタズラTODAY ☾ ☀ ☆ -
キマグレなトゥデイ 息をひそめて 隠れたつもり? ごまかせたつもり?
カクレンボならね わたしたちに敵わないよ♥ すがた ものおと すべて消して
ねらい通りね~♪ うかれさわぐよ ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
そのきらめき 重ねあう
空耳が今 ←・→・↑・↓
キラキラなプレイ 歌い踊るよ ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
ほらジグザグ 絡みあう
想い出に ただ ←・→・↑・↓
焼きつけるトゥデイ 忘れないでね ☾月 と ☀日 と ☆星
アナタのそばで ←・→・↑・↓
イタズラしたデイズ * repeat (※1) Submitter's comments: Video added by SilentRebel83 on 11/06/12.
Sound Holic - Itazura Today (Английский перевод)
The Moon, the Sun and the stars are taking turns.
Their lights are blending with each other.
They are going to confuse you left, right, up and down,
Into this mischievous game.
With a dream that blasted off from an unexpected idea,
We want to surprise you while you are careless.
We'll make you tremble,
Full of thrill and anxiety.
The floating throbbing phantom
That is cuddling you now...
Is a sort of trap!
The Moon, the Sun and the stars are taking turns.
Their lights are blending with each other.
They are going to confuse you left, right, up and down,
Into this mischievous game.
The Moon, the Sun and the stars are thinking on their own.
Look, they are amplifying each others' lights.
They'll make you rolling left, right, up and down.Sound Holic - イタズラTODAY ☾ ☀ ☆ -
What an erratic day!
Are you going to hide, being afraid of your breath? Do you want to fool us?
In a game like hide-and-seek, you won't have a chance against us!
Having the visiblity and sounds completely turned off,
We'll perform a sudden attack.
We always seek a target
Whose heart will jump out of its body,
Once it's hit by surprise!
The Moon, the Sun and the stars are celebrating.
Their lights are jumping onto each other.
The mishearings are now left, right, up and down
Of this brilliant play.
The Moon, the Sun and the stars are singing and dancing.
Look, they are zigzagging and intertwining with each other!
They will make this day go straight left, right, up and down,
To your heart!
Don't forget the Moon, the Sun and the stars!
There always...
Will be days the prank may be performed
On your left, right, up or down side.