Soner Sarıkabadayı - Burada Biri Var
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İşte o kadar Tamam geç oldu ve yürek bunu anlamazSoner Sarıkabadayı - Burada Biri Var -
Ama seviyorsa bunu da yalanlamaz
Tamam geç oldu ve yürek bunu anlamaz
Ama seviyorsa bunu da yalanlamaz Epeydir aşkta şansım pek tutmuyor
Hasretin yatırdı ama uyutmuyor
Kadere kim nasıl dirensin
Nereye kimlere bilensin
Seni bu ömrüne, gönlüme yazmış unutmuyor
Soner Sarıkabadayı - There is someone here (Английский перевод)
There is someone here
One that poisons himself
Keeps looking for you
As far as he can
Maybe the roads are too narrow
They all come up to you
And for her this is coincidence
That's it
Ok it's too late and the heart won't get itSoner Sarıkabadayı - Burada Biri Var -
But if it loves wouldn't deny it
Ok it's too late and the heart won't get it
But if it loves wouldn't deny it
It has been a long time since I was lucky in love
Longing for you has put me in bed but does not let me sleep
How can one resist destiny
Who should he blame for
He predestined you in his life and heart and can not forget